Violence, garbage and excessive alcohol: After incidents in the party scene on the streets of Cologne, the police want to avoid further escalations.
Cologne – Due to the still high corona incidence, only a few clubs are open in Cologne *. The youth meet outside at the weekend. Many of them on Zülpicher Strasse in the city center. But the climate is getting harsher. Complaints about binge drinking, violence and garbage are increasing. Sad high point: at the end of July, an 18-year-old was attacked with a knife there. It could also become more uncomfortable on the rings when all the clubs gradually open.
24RHEIN * shows how the Cologne police are arming themselves against further party escalations.
On Zülpicher Strasse, things cannot go on as before, because those affected agree. That is why Cologne's city director Andrea Blome has announced that she will sit down with residents, restaurants, the police and those responsible for the city. (mah) * 24RHEIN is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA