Tractors bring Moscatel grapes to the cooperatives, seasonal workers remove bad grapes from the good ones in garages – and the fifth generation of the family business Uvas Cabrera has a lot to do. The grape harvest on the Costa Blanca is in full swing.
Dani Cabrera is one of the few young farmers in Spain * who can still make a living from their work in the fields. The family business Uvas Cabrera, which he runs together with his father and which cultivates the local Moscatel variety, is already in its fifth generation. * knows whether this year's grape harvest will also be a success for the young farmer.
There has been a lot of rain this year, also on the Costa Blanca *, but did it come down from the sky at the right time? Whatever the case: Dani Cabrera prefers a wet year to a dry one, and when the sea breeze blows and the warmth gives the grapes their sweetness, nothing stands in the way of a successful Moscatel harvest.
That this is currently in progress can be seen in the tractors that drive up to the cooperatives fully loaded, and in the warehouses and garages in which women sort out the bad grapes – so that only the best table grapes come onto the market. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.