NewsHouse sparrow is the most frequently counted bird in...

House sparrow is the most frequently counted bird in Germany

Once again the Nabu is at the “hour of the garden birds”. Lots of people got involved. The first results are now available.

Berlin (dpa) – A few days before the registration deadline, the house sparrow is the front runner in the “hour of garden birds”. Over 400,000 specimens have so far been reported nationwide after this year’s counting campaign, said the Naturschutzbund Deutschland (Nabu) on Wednesday.

The two following ranks are currently blackbird (over 227,000) and great tit (over 214,000). According to Nabu, the blackbird in particular benefits from the damp weather, as it makes it easier for them to get hold of earthworms – their favorite food.

The conservationists are relieved to see the number of blue tits reported. In the past year, a bacterium had led to the mass death of animals in many parts of Germany. This year there has been an increase of 19 percent compared to 2020. In total, over 150,000 blue tits were reported. “Even if it will probably not quite reach its normal average value. Obviously, successful broods were able to largely compensate for the losses, ”added Nabu Federal Managing Director Leif Miller.

However, the Nabu looks with concern at several other bird species. Common swifts, house martins, greenfinches and wren remained at the same level as their poor results from previous years. According to Miller, a trend reversal is not in sight.

The goldfinch is going through another positive development. With an increase of 38 percent compared to the previous year, the colorful animals have been reported over 33,000 times during the latest counting campaign. Goldfinches were discovered in 16 percent of all gardens. The value has doubled since the start of the counting campaign 16 years ago.

According to Nabu, at least 112,000 people took part in the traditional “hour of garden birds” this year, with around 2.5 million birds from more than 77,000 gardens and parks. The observations from May 13th to 16th can be reported until May 24th. The conservationists are expecting the final figures at the end of the month.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210519-99-661876 / 2

Constantly updated ranking list hour of garden birds 2021

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