For the morenista cast in the following days, they have the challenge of repeating an act of magic that manages to make the debt requested by the Palace Tamer disappear from reality. Although from the Morenista scenarios it is said that it is not true that the current administration is requesting debt, the numbers do not lie: by 2023 an expenditure of 8.2 billion pesos is proposed , but only 7.1 billion pesos will be obtained from income, that is, a shortfall of almost 1.2 trillion (deficit, the experts name it), the obvious thing is that this shortfall will be covered with debt, in this case with internal financing. Those who know mathematics beyond the use of the abacus noted that by the year 2023 the internal debt will be almost double what was requested for the year 2019, the first budget of the Tamer of the Palace . You don’t have to be a fortune teller to understand that, as if it were a magic wand pass, all the savings that the Government Tent had already vanished and now they are forced to resort to borrowing. So if you hear the phrase “no debt is being contracted”, think of the refrain as the equivalent of saying: “nothing here, nothing there”.
The Deputies’ Tent was infected by the spectacle of Formula 1 and plans to speed up the discussion of the 2023 Expenditure Budget , leaving behind the possible pause that they had planned for the “bridge for Day of the Dead” and now their intention is warm up engines to draw at least three qualifying races: first, get rid of the pressure from various sectors that demand more resources; second, to approve the Budget at night (that is, with fewer reflectors); third, dedicate himself fully to eventual electoral reform. For now, they already know that they will have an audience to spare, since it is expected that groups in demand for resources will besiege San Lázaro next Monday, for example, the XVIII Section of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), which already called for a massive national activity in San Lázaro. Thus, the route of this budget race also includes breaks in the PITS where they will have a meeting with twenty mayors this Thursday and on Friday a meeting with the Undersecretary of Expenditures of the Ministry of Finance, Juan Pablo de Botton. They start!
The performances of Martes de Jaguar and Miércoles de León orchestrated by protagonists of the Circo de las 4 Tandas were the beginning, but it is known that from now on new shows are already being prepared because the great season of the elections will encourage the routines of denunciations to become in the main attraction regardless of whether the Palace Tamer himself has described the routines presented there as “in bad taste” or that the alleged leaks and “complaints” fall into the category of Fake News, as indicated by the fact that a series of Whatsapp conversations shown by Tamadora Sansores had a coincident and suspicious data; they were always performed at the same time by various actors.
And you know, prepare your pastelazos, chicharras and noise makers because this Circus has a show every Thursday.
Publisher’s note:
The characters in this circus are not fiction, any resemblance to reality is not a coincidence.