Home Fun Nature & Animal 10 things you should NOT do to your dog

10 things you should NOT do to your dog


1. Neglecting any of the three pillars of health

These are: a) food, b) hygiene and c) prevention .

If in doubt, ask for the help of a professional or seek information from rigorous sources. The advice of the park expert is 99.9% anecdotal conclusions and not reliable recommendations.

a) Food : Today there are different alternatives to feed your dog in a balanced way, and each one has its advantages:

    • Feed: they are convenient to store and manage. If you choose this option, go to the highest quality one, and give your dog plenty of water, because, being a dry food, he will need it in his diet.
    • Wet food: easy to administer, with a greater supply of water than dry food, it is an alternative to this. Choose the highest quality.
    • Dehydrated food : It is stored once opened in the fridge and has a very natural appearance. It should be hydrated with water or broth before administering. You will see how your dog drinks and even urinates less than when he eats feed.
    • BARF Diet : Diets based on raw meaty bones and raw meat plus some supplements. It is a controversial type of diet due to the potential risk of colonization by bacteria or parasites. However, they are a very fun option for the dog and that provide behavioral benefits. This is because they stimulate licking and chewing, processes in which the dog relaxes and has fun.
    • Diet cooked at low temperature : Without a doubt, the one that most dogs will enjoy the most. Preparing your food in your kitchen can be a wonderful option for both of you.

Whatever diet you choose for your dog, you have to keep in mind that they need at least 16% protein and a low percentage of fat. They will be much happier and healthier if the percentage of protein exceeds 32% and fat is between 9-14%.

b) Hygiene

  1. From your environment: 
    • Wash your dishes every day and change the water as often as necessary to keep it clean and fresh. This can be a nice task to do with the kids.
    • Clean your bed or bedding at least once a week.
    • Pass the vacuum, because it is the only way in which the possible eggs of fleas or other parasites disappear completely.
    • Use hygiene products at home that do not harm your dog’s health.
  1. From his body :
    • Check his hair and skin every day after the walk, taking care that he does not carry any external parasite or spike.
    • Brushing it regularly will prevent knots and strengthen your bond.
    • As for bathing, hygiene of eyes, ears, teeth and nail trimming, the frequency depends a lot on the life and type of dog you have. If you live in the center of the city, you will have to wash it more often than if your dog runs free and daily in the countryside, since the pollution and dirt from urban centers will easily stick to its fur. Of course, if your country dog is coated in some “crap” he will also have to go through the bathroom.
    • Use hygiene products suitable for dogs and respectful of their skin.

c) Prevention 

    • A complete annual check-up is the best thing you can do for your dog’s health. Book in time at your trusted veterinarian and do not leave anything in the inkwell.
    • Write down the dates and create reminders for your vaccinations and deworming.

2. Not knowing what substances are toxic to your dog and leaving them within their reach 

  • Every year there are accidents that end up with dogs in veterinary emergencies.
  • Many times due to carelessness, but other times due to ignorance and this could have been avoided.
  • Find out about all the substances that we use daily and are toxic or lethal to your dog. Cleaning products, food, medicines, plants…

Some harmful products for your dog that you usually have at home: 

  • Alcohol
  • Avocado
  • Raisins
  • Bones that have been cooked
  • Walnuts
  • Garlic and onion
  • Milk
  • Grapes
  • mushrooms and mushrooms
  • Caffeine
  • Xylitol
  • Chocolate
  • Medications such as ibuprofen
  • the poinsettia 

Neglect your routines

Leaving him for more than 6 hours without leaving the house to relieve his sphincters, even if he holds out, is a common mistake.

4. Not giving him support when he feels overwhelmed by the situation or context

Say that all dogs understand each other and let him get by when, for example, several dogs come to greet him at the same time. Or when someone is overwhelming you with their intensity. These are common mistakes.

5. Pick it up off the ground without warning

This is a particular error that occurs when we have a small dog. Small dogs have many advantages in their handling, if you live in a city, and you can take them with you to a greater number of places. However, the way we treat them does not always include respect. A mistake is to lift it off the ground without warning or constantly carry it in your arms or bag, preventing it from living like a dog.

6. Forcing him to greet other dogs or people when he doesn’t want to or is uncomfortable

Your dog doesn’t have to be liked by every dog or person who comes up to greet him. If he doesn’t want to, respect his time and his decision. Remember that no is no.

7. Pulling on the leash while sniffing because you’re in a hurry

If you measure the walk by time instead of distance, your dog will end up much more satisfied.

They need to smell and receive information from their surroundings and their conspecifics. The act of processing this information and thinking will leave you more tired than running the marathon.

It is a mistake to think that you have to walk a lot to get tired. Let him smell and you will see how he compensates.

8. Bothering you while you are eating or resting

Are you one of those who share your plate with pleasure or those who get in a bad mood when they take away the fries, one after another?

If you are one of the latter, you must understand that your dog wants to eat without being disturbed.

The same goes for rest. Although your dog tolerates your impertinence, it is a mistake not to respect these moments.

9. Leaving him with children without supervision

An error that can end with an uncomfortable dog or a bitten child.

It is a mistake to leave a dog in the care of a child or without supervision. No matter how well things seem to be going, in a second it’s all messed up!

10. Immobilize him

Freedom of movement is basic to animal welfare.

A serious mistake is having your dog tied up or locked on a balcony. But so is turning him around to correct his behavior or hug him tight without his liking.


Really, we could make a very long list, and I am sure that you would know how to expand it. However, I also think that the dogs will appreciate that we make an effort, little by little.



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