Home Living 11 phrases you should not say to a breastfeeding mother

11 phrases you should not say to a breastfeeding mother


Despite the fact that breastfeeding is the best and science continues to prove the many benefits of breastfeeding a baby, many people still criticize or point to nursing mothers, making unpleasant comments.

Just as we already talked about the things that we should avoid saying to mothers who give the bottle, we now share 11 phrases that you should not say to a breastfeeding mother .

Do you want a tit again?

Breastfeeding (and actually also artificial) does not have to be every three hours but on demand: whenever the baby wants. So yes, the baby may want a breast again after half an hour, an hour or two hours.

Is using you as a pacifier

This little phrase reminds me of another that children often say: “he is manipulating you .” How is a baby going to manipulate us or take advantage of us? Babies don’t use or manipulate us, they need us . And the mother’s breast, in addition to feeding them, provides security and warmth.

It is more practical to give a bottle

It is practical because that way other people can feed it and the mother will have more opportunities to rest, yes. But in the end, the decision to breastfeed is only hers and it is she who will decide what is practical and what is not .

Not too old to continue breastfeeding?

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months and later accompanied by other foods at least up to two years, and according to some studies the natural age of weaning is between two and seven years, so there is no one date set to stop.

How long will you continue to breastfeed?

Kindly said, there is nothing wrong with this phrase. The problem is when it is done with the desire to question or pressure the mother because they consider that she should no longer breastfeed her baby. The decision is something that only belongs to mom and baby.

That’s already water

Breast milk is a living and intelligent food, so wise and so wonderful, that it adapts to each stage of the baby. It even changes when he gets sick! Breast milk is still a nutritious food no matter how old a child is . What’s more, the older it is, the more fat it contains and the higher the amount of calories it provides.

Are you sure you make enough milk?

One of the most frequent doubts in nursing mothers is knowing if they are producing enough milk. So if someone comes to question it, it will only feed that insecurity . (And if you have doubts, here are some indicators to know if your baby is well fed)

Your breasts will sag

Contrary to what many think, the breasts do not fall from breastfeeding the baby . They fall due to weight gain, pregnancy, age, the passage of time, and smoking. So that that the breasts will sag from breastfeeding is false. Science proves it.

Could you breastfeed elsewhere?

At some point in human history, and for some reason that I really can’t understand, watching a mother breastfeed in public became a negative thing. There is nothing more natural than a woman feeding her baby , so let’s avoid this type of comment sometimes disguised as an “invitation” (including the also famous “cover up”.)

I took a bottle and look how good I am

Finally, one of the phrases disguised as an argument that some use to criticize nursing mothers, related to the famous ” nothing happened to me .” Well, it’s good that they’re fine, but the decision your mothers made with you is theirs and my baby’s is mine.

As we clarify when we share the 11 phrases that you should not say to a mother who gives the bottle, these articles are not about discussing what is better or not, but about being more understanding towards mothers and respecting the decision they make about their breastfeeding, whether natural or artificial .

Photo | cookie_studio – www.freepik.com

In Babies and more | With this image, hundreds of mothers show how absurd some comments towards nursing mothers are, This image reflects the love of a mother feeding her baby no matter how: with breastfeeding, bottle or tube



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