Home Fun Nature & Animal 15 cats who plan to conquer the world –

15 cats who plan to conquer the world –


It is often said that cats plan to conquer the world and subdue humans … and it is that sometimes their expressions seem to convey that. In most cases (and in the photos their owners confirm it) they are good and docile cats, their physical appearance is simply like that. But it's hilarious to see them, so furry and soft and with that angry expression.

Many of these cats are already stars of social networks because of their peculiar faces, such as Loki, the "vampire-cat", and Garfi, the spectacular long-haired cat who is always angry and whose owner documents his adventures on Flickr; others are "anonymous", photographed by their humans at some point of disappointment, surely by some order that they do not want to obey

In short, that at any moment they throw us out of the house and implant their reign. Do you want to have a laugh and see beautiful cats? Take a look at our gallery :



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