Home News 2G: Corona rules at the hairdresser – This applies to body-hugging services

2G: Corona rules at the hairdresser – This applies to body-hugging services


The summit brings stricter Covid-19 measures and the 2G rule. Do you need a corona rapid test at the hairdresser and other body-hugging services?

Bremen / Hamburg / Hanover – The number of corona infections is increasing nationwide *, the federal government is reacting by tightening the corona measures. In Lower Saxony there is a new Corona regulation * and the 3G rule in bus and train traffic *. According to the official decision paper, the 2G rule * applies from a hospitalization rate of over 3.0 for sports, cultural and leisure events as well as for gastronomy, accommodation and body-friendly services. This has consequences for hairdressers, beauticians and tattooists.

Authority: Robert Koch Institute
Head office: Berlin
Founding: July 1, 1891
State level: Federation
Position: independent higher federal authority
Supervisory authority: Federal Ministry of Health
Authority management: President: Lothar H. Wieler; Vice President: Lars Schaade
Budget volume: 108 million euros (budget year 2020)

2G rule for services close to the body: visits to the hairdresser are only possible for those who have been completely vaccinated or have recovered

From now on, offers such as visits to the hairdresser can only be used by those who have been completely vaccinated or those who have recovered. This is necessary “in order to break the infection dynamics”, it says in the current decision paper of the federal and state governments * from Thursday, November 18, 2021.

In addition, the regional infection rate should also be included. “If the threshold value is not reached for five days in a row, the above regulations can be waived again,” says the official side in this context. In general, the implementation and compliance with the corona measures – not least related to visits to the hairdresser – should be consistently monitored.

How should these controls be carried out? “Where possible, the provision of a QR code registration will be ordered in order to facilitate the tracking and interruption of chains of infection”.

The threshold for the hospitalization rate is crucial: When does 2G become the 2G plus rule and when a free corona rapid test is necessary

What is fundamentally new is that the 2G plus rule * applies if the threshold value six is exceeded within the framework of the hospitalization rate. This also means with regard to a free Corona rapid test: The “exceptions and relief from protective measures” are made “dependent on the existence of a negative test result even for vaccinated and recovered people”.

But here too, the rule is void again if the critical threshold value is not reached for five days in a row. However, the 2G rule is not applied nationwide, i.e. in each of the 16th federal states. At the end of the day, the respective state government can still decide for itself which model is used – and thus also applies to a visit to the hairdressing salon. Nevertheless, hairdressers expect serious cuts that could lead to undeclared work *.

2G in Bremen, Hamburg and Lower Saxony: Hairdressers have to adhere to strict corona rules

Hamburg is a pioneer in this regard and was the first federal state to opt for a 2G option model. In the meantime, however, it has not stayed with the optional and 2G is mandatory in Hamburg *. The situation is similar with Bremen * and Lower Saxony, where there is a strict reaction to the increasing number of infections.

As before, the provision of craft and body-friendly services requires hygienic measures such as a clear hygiene concept, the mask requirement and cross ventilation. This applies in particular to businesses and shops in which the minimum distance of 1.50 meters cannot be maintained. The Bremen Chamber of Crafts, for example, provides information on this.

2G at the hairdresser: North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst advocates nationwide regulation

From mid-December 2020 there was a lockdown across Germany, as a result of which hairdressers also had to close. Since the spring, however, a whole guild has been able to go back to work. According to North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst, it stays that way. However, he wants to introduce the 2G rule across the board for his federal state. This would therefore also affect hairdressers.

Meanwhile, a possible 2G rule in supermarkets such as Aldi, Edeka, Lidl and Rewe * is also being discussed. The representatives of the supermarket chains have already commented on this * – and are actually d’accord with their opinion. * Kreiszeitung.de , 24hamburg.de and fr.de are offers from IPPEN.MEDIA.



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