Home Tech UP Technology 4 billion years of Earth in 4 minutes

4 billion years of Earth in 4 minutes


We have to go back some 4,500 million years ago , when a piece of molten rock began to form in the solar system that after a time of evolution led to what is now our current planet: Earth.

Now, computer artist David A. Roberts has decided to shape that planet’s evolutionary history in a fascinating video that puts billions of years of planetary transitions and evolutions into four minutes of simulation.

Starting from the moment when the Earth was an extremely hot and cratered protoplanet, we will go through different changes in which the tectonic plates are shown beginning to form, approximately 3,000 million years ago, the appearance of the water that flows on our planet and the continents that rise above the surface.

“Concluding the prelude to the early Earth, the rhythm slows down to a cycle between day and night, the terrain becomes fixed as tectonic movements become imperceptible”, explains Roberts on his blog where he has posted the excellent simulation computing.

“Soon night reveals unprecedented patterns of light, as humanity proceeds to colonize the planet’s surface.”

Towards the end of Roberts’s simulation, the fact that humans have taken over the world becomes more than obvious. The once arid terrain glows with bright lights indicating a technologically advanced civilization using fossil fuels that are polluting the planet.

We do not tell you the whole ending so you can see it complete. Worth.




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