Home Fun 4 practical tips to face the return to routine

4 practical tips to face the return to routine


There is no doubt that September is one of the most difficult months for many citizens. The return to the routine can become quite a roller coaster of sensations and it is best to be prepared for it. It is not easy to come from a vacation period and go back to work or those daily chores, such as going back to school with the children, and not feel somewhat confused.

According to experts, post-vacation syndrome affects more and more people and warn that it can become a real headache for many people who do not know how to manage the return to routine well.

We are going to try to give a series of practical tips so that this return to work or routine is as bearable as possible and we are ready to face a month of September with all the energy possible.

Period of adaptation of the return to the routine

Experts advise that the return to routine and, above all, to work be done slowly and if possible, gradually. They do not recommend returning a day before the start of the working day and it is best that we arrive on vacation a few days before to our usual environment.

These extra days will serve to gather strength, organize our schedule, resume habits and try to rest as much as possible. The level of activity should be regulated from less to more.

Avoid negative thoughts

Positive thinking will come in handy to face the return to routine. We must escape from those thoughts that will make us see things negatively and think that positive things also happen throughout the year and not only in summer.

We must keep our minds occupied and do things at work that fill us up and push us to occupy our day-to-day life in a dynamic and determined way.

Alternative plans

Although we return to the routine that is usually represented by going back to work, we must also save moments for ourselves and for leisure. Working hours can turn into a real nightmare if we don’t have an after-work incentive to occupy our leisure hours.

Make plans, go out to play sports, go for a walk, meet friends , organize plans that fill you up so that the return to the routine is not a slab in your day to day life.


Attached to positive thinking, the return to work must be faced with enthusiasm. Value the positive aspects of your work and take advantage of those moments you have with colleagues and work friends. Set goals and challenges for yourself, so your work will pay off in the future.



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