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4D ultrasound in pregnancy: what is it and when is it best to do it?


2D (two-dimensional) ultrasound is the most widespread, but in recent years we have also known 3D (three-dimensional) ultrasound, which allows us to see the volume aspect of the baby, and the so-called 4D ultrasound that adds the complement of seeing the baby moving in real time .

The fourth component, movement, is the one with the greatest impact for parents who can “spy” in real time what their child is doing in the womb, such as thumb sucking, sticking out the tongue, yawning or smiling, invaluable gestures for future ones. potatoes.

Why do it?

From an emotional point of view it is a very beautiful experience for parents who can see their baby before birth, get to know his face and differentiate his features. This provides great peace of mind because we can see the baby in a more real way , as if we were watching a video, since in traditional ultrasounds we only see blurred black and white images that we hardly know how to differentiate. The psychological impact is very positive.

From a diagnostic point of view, 4D ultrasound improves the diagnosis but is no more sensitive than two-dimensional in detecting fetal abnormalities. Therefore, neither three-dimensional ultrasound nor that which provides movement supplants two-dimensional ultrasound, but rather complements it.

It does provide a more detailed analysis of the fetal anatomy, making it more valuable for detecting problems with the baby’s skin or deformities such as cleft lip or cleft palate.

When to do it?

3D and 4D ultrasounds can be performed at any time during pregnancy, although the best images are obtained between weeks 24 and 30 as the conditions are the most appropriate. The proportion of amniotic fluid and the intermediate size of the baby allow better visualization.

Depending on the stage of gestation, ultrasound can be performed transvaginally or abdominally. In any case, it is not advisable to perform it before the 12th week of gestation as the appearance of the fetus will be far from its final appearance.

From week 12 to about 20, the fetus can be seen in its entirety, seeing the trunk and extremities at the same time, but the features of the face cannot be seen in such detail.

On the other hand, when doing it towards the end of the second trimester or the beginning of the third (around the 6th or 7th month) we will not see it in full, but in parts but we will obtain more real images of the baby since its features will be more defined and we will be able to see it, for example , grimacing, thumb sucking, yawning or sticking out the tongue.

As the third trimester progresses, the baby already looks very similar to what it will have when it is born, but after week 32 its size, position and a lower proportion of amniotic fluid can make it difficult for us to see the baby clearly or that we cannot see his face well.

That is why the ideal thing if you decide to have a 4D ultrasound is that you consider it in advance to make an appointment at the time when the conditions are most ideal to see and fully enjoy the first images of your baby.

How much?

The session lasts approximately 20-30 minutes and the price of the 4D ultrasound is around 59 euros , but it depends on the service that is contracted. In most centers, they record the images in a digital file and offer you some photos taken from the ultrasound.

Photo of MART PRODUCTION in Pexels and Asim Kurjak

In Babies and more | Third trimester ultrasound: when is it done and what is observed



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