Home Living 85% of pregnant women suffer from oral problems, gingivitis being the most...

85% of pregnant women suffer from oral problems, gingivitis being the most common condition: how to prevent and treat it


Oral diseases are very common during pregnancy, although they are also the great unknown in terms of typical discomforts. Not surprisingly, according to the 2020 Oral Health Study presented by Sanitas, five out of ten pregnant women have gum problems , and more than 85% affirm that their oral health has been affected by pregnancy.

We explain why there are discomfort in the mouth and gums during pregnancy , what consequences it could have if it is not treated and what we can do to avoid it.

Tooth decay and gingivitis, the most common problems in pregnancy

The gestation period has specific characteristics and causes a series of hormonal and physical changes that negatively affect oral health, facilitating the appearance of some problems.

According to the Sanitas Study, cavities and gum problems (gingivitis) were the most common conditions in pregnant women, the latter being especially notable between the third and eighth month of pregnancy , due to vascular and hormonal changes.

Hormonal changes favor the appearance of bacterial plaque, which in turn causes localized inflammation of the periodontal tissues, characterized by red, swollen and bleeding gums.

In addition, accompanying the gingival changes, a benign tumor may also appear in the gums called ‘pregnancy tumor’, ‘pregnancy granuloma’ or ‘pyogenic granuloma’. It is a small, reddish, bulging lesion that grows rapidly, and is associated with the accumulation of tartar and certain oral conditions

What problems does gingivitis cause?

In addition to the inflammation, bleeding and pain that gingivitis causes , if it is not cured, it can end up evolving into periodontitis, a serious infection of the gums that damages soft tissues, bone and teeth.

This disease during pregnancy is associated with a greater chance of preterm delivery (experts estimate that the risk could even triple) and of having babies with low birth weight. Outside of pregnancy, it could negatively affect a woman’s fertility, and specifically in these times of pandemic that we are experiencing, it has also been observed that people with periodontal diseases who fall ill with COVID-19 have more complications.

How to prevent gum problems in pregnancy

Oral hygiene during the pregnancy period is even more important if possible. The use of dental floss and irrigators, brushing after each meal or reducing the intake of foods rich in sugars are some of the keys to minimize the appearance of these pathologies.

Brushing should be gentle and thorough, covering all areas of the oral cavity, including the tongue. Only in this way will we be able to eliminate the bacteria that affect teeth and gums and prevent future problems

In addition, it is highly recommended not to wait until the end of pregnancy to go to the dentist , because as the pregnancy progresses it may be more uncomfortable to be in the dentist’s chair for a long time. Likewise, if you have a previous history of gingivitis or periodontitis, you should pay more attention to your dental check-ups, both before, during and after pregnancy.

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