Home News After the presidency: Donald Trump loses several pounds – consultant explains weight...

After the presidency: Donald Trump loses several pounds – consultant explains weight loss


Donald Trump has lost several kilograms since the end of his presidency. A counselor now explains his weight loss.

Washington DC – Donald Trump has not yet digested the defeat in the 2020 US election and continues to speak of electoral fraud. The 75-year-old also wants to continue his political career and is already working on his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election.

Leaving the White House in Washington DC did not harm his well-being, it actually benefited him.

Donald Trump: happier and healthier since the end of the presidency

The former president looks happier, healthier and – in relative terms – even slimmer since he left the White House in January 2021, a Trump employee said, according to the British newspaper Independent. An adviser to the president named a specific number in April 2021: Donald Trump had lost about seven kilograms since he was no longer president.

Jason Miller confirmed in an interview with the right-wing British television broadcaster GB News on Sunday (10.10.2021) that he looks much happier. Donald Trump was also tanned and rested, said Trump’s former advisor.

Donald Trump: Adviser gives reasons for weight loss

Jason Miller also touches on Trump’s weight loss and can provide an explanation. He asked the former president how he did it. Trump is said to have replied that this is due to the fact that there is no longer a kitchen available at all times. A little golf and a lot of support should also have played a role.

In February 2019, during an annual examination at the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Washington, it became public that Donald Trump weighed 110 kilograms and had gained around two kilograms. Apart from that, however, his health was good.

Donald Trump’s menu in the White House

Ronny Jackson, a former White House doctor, once said the staff: Inside had to hide the vegetables in Trump’s food. Fast food containing meat such as steaks, meatloaf or cheeseburgers were part of the former president’s menu.

Even a move that would have raised a million dollars for a charity of his choice did not make Trump change his diet because it would have meant a month without animal products. The risk of losing brain cells seemed too great for him, reports his former communications director Stepanie Grisham. Donald Trump reportedly had a button on his desk in the Oval Office that he could use to order Coke. (Max Schäfer)



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