Home Living Travel Are dogs allowed on London Underground trains?

Are dogs allowed on London Underground trains?


If you are new to London, or if a canine is new to your family, you may wonder if you can take your furry friend on the tube, the city’s underground tube system. The quick answer is “yes”, but there are some rules and restrictions.

In the tube

Service dogs, as well as any non-dangerous-looking dog, are allowed on the London Underground. The dog must be kept on a leash or in a crate and is not allowed in the seat. You must keep your dog well behaved; Staff cannot control your pet. There is an ordinance regarding animals traveling on London Transport, which basically states that they can refuse entry to your animal if they have security concerns and that you must control your animal.

At the station

Before getting on the subway car, you need to go through the subway station, which includes escalators, ticket gates, and platform. The first rule of thumb is that you should take your dog on the escalators, as they could hurt his paws when going up and down. (The exception is if your service dog is trained to use a moving escalator.) If your dog is too big to hold, you can ask a staff member to stop the escalator; however, they are more likely to do so while the station is not busy. Of course, it is fine to use the stairs or the elevator (or lift, as they say on the other side of the pond) with larger dogs.

In accordance with the TfL Conditions of Carriage, your dog must be carried through the ticket gates. If you have a service dog and there is no wide automatic door, you should ask a staff member to open a manual door. While waiting on the platform, you should keep your dog on a leash or in their container and make sure they are well behaved.

Other forms of transportation

Perhaps you are taking the subway to catch a train or transfer to a bus, you need to know if you can continue with your dog. Each mode of transport has its own rules, so it is important that you understand what is allowed.

In accordance with the National Rail Conditions of Carriage, you may bring up to two pets for free and sit in passenger cars, but not buffet or restaurant cars (with the exception of assistance dogs). The dog (s) must be kept on a leash or in a carrier and is not allowed in a seat.

The same goes for the public bus, but some companies may charge a fee to bring a pet on board (unless it is a service dog). The rules for bringing dogs on London buses are not that clear, so it is best to contact the specific bus service. And don’t forget to keep your dog on a leash or in the carrier at all times, as well as keep your pet under control.



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