Home Economy Financial Are the banks open on September 15 and 16, 2022?

Are the banks open on September 15 and 16, 2022?


In a few days the celebrations for Mexico's Independence Day will take place, as it is the fortnight, some people take the opportunity to go to the banks ; however, it is better to take precautions and carry out operations that require the support of an executive before the national celebrations.

Are the banks open on the 15th and 16th of September?

Although in some schools and work centers the , the reality is that the official rest day contemplated in the Federal Labor Law is the 16th of the month.

This year the banks will operate regularly on September 15 . In the case of Friday the 16th , the calendar of holidays of the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM) indicates that the institutions will close their doors and suspend operations.

On both September 15 and 16, the 57,000 ATMs available in the country will have normal operations.

What days of the remainder of 2022 do banks not work?

After the national celebrations, the ABM calendar contemplates that the financial institutions close on November 2 and the third Monday of November in commemoration of November 20. As well as December 12 and 25.



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