Home News As of June 26, the "two out of three" rule will have...

As of June 26, the "two out of three" rule will have to be applied.


After more than a year of pandemic, on June 26 the mandatory use of the mask in outdoor spaces in Spain is eliminated , as long as the safety distance between non-cohabitants is guaranteed. In the same way as in the rest of European countries, it will be necessary to continue using the mask indoors. This is a new situation, so it is normal for all kinds of doubts to arise. Well, to make things clearer, experts recommend following the “two out of three” rule from this Saturday.

The Ministry of Health imposed the mandatory use of the mask on public roads by means of Order SND / 422/2020 , which entered into force on May 21, 2020 and which stated the following: «Mandatory the use of a mask on the road public, in open air spaces and in any closed space for public use or that is open to the public, provided that it is not possible to maintain an interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters ” .

Regulations as of June 26

The first thing to keep in mind is that Covid-19 has not disappeared, but continues among us. However, the vaccination campaign is progressing at a good pace, and this has made the mask no longer mandatory in outdoor spaces.

To prevent anyone from feeling unsafe with it, the experts are based on the standard created by Linsey Marr, professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech. The specialist has long defended the three basic rules to combat Covid-19 : mask , distance and open air.

Since June 26, the mask is no longer mandatory outdoors, but the “two out of three” rule must continue to be observed: distance and open air . It is something very simple to carry out. If we are outdoors, we need to be distanced or wear a mask. And, if we are not outdoors, we have to keep a safe distance and also wear a mask.

And in the car?

One of the most raised doubts these days is whether the use of a mask is mandatory in the car this summer. The same rule applies to vehicles as in interior spaces. If people who are not living together are traveling, you must wear the mask. It is enough that one of the passengers is not part of the coexistence group so that everyone has to put it on.



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