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Bilbao to Santiago de Compostela by train, bus, car and flights Traveling along the north coast is slow and uncomfortable.


Bilbao and Santiago de Compostela are two of the most popular cities in northern Spain, but with 700km of separation and no actual train network in the north of the country, you’ll have to think about how to make the trip. Read on for details on how to get from Bilbao to Santiago de Compostela on various forms of transportation.

Flights from Bilbao to Santiago de Compostela

There are regular flights from Bilbao to Santiago de Compostela. This is the most practical option.
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Making the overland trip by train and bus

There are around four buses a day from Santiago de Compostela. The duration of the trip varies (between nine and eleven hours), so check the site before booking. Tickets cost between 50 and 65 euros.

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There is no direct train from Santiago de Compostela to Bilbao. Find out what routes are available within Spain on this.

In general, there are very few trains that travel from east to west in northern Spain. The actual train buff may want to take the FEVE narrow gauge railway, but this would take a very long time. The FEVE line is intended as a local railway: to go from Bilbao to Santiago, you would need to change in Santander and Oviedo, ending in Ferrol, where you can take a normal train to Santiago (but the Ferrol to Santiago route only runs twice a day It’s really not worth the effort.

Read more about FEVE trains in Spain .

Suggested Itinerary

The best stop en route is Oviedo in Asturias, famous for its pre-Romanesque churches, cider and Asturian gastronomy, one of the most unique in the country. It is best to get to Oviedo by bus, but you also have the option to take the FEVE train line above all the way.

An alternative would be to head south from Bilbao to Logroño, famous for its Rioja wine and excellent tapas scene, and then head to the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route to Burgos (with its beautiful cathedral) and León (famous for its free tapas) culture), before ending in Santiago de Compostela.

Read more about the best tapas cities in Spain .

Bilbao to Santiago de Compostela by car

The 700 km from Bilbao to Santiago de Compostela can be covered in approximately six hours, driving mainly on the AP-1, A-231 and A-6. Consider stopping at Burgos, León, and Astorga on your way.

Alternatively, drive along the coast, through Santander and Gijón or Oviedo. Consider a short detour to A Coruña when you arrive in Galicia.
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