Home Tech UP Technology Brain implants against epilepsy

Brain implants against epilepsy

The days of epileptic seizures could be numbered if the RNSTM device , developed by the Medical College of Georgia (USA), hits the market. It is a small device ready to be implanted in the skull of patients. The RNS is able to identify the levels of “normal” activity for each individual and, when it detects a sudden increase by an attack, emits an electrical signal that stops it in just milliseconds.

Its creators began trials with patients between the ages of 18 and 70 in early 2008, focusing primarily on those in whom the medication does not work. The success of the new invention would have a great impact if we consider that 1 in 200 people suffer epileptic seizures , and in 1 out of 3 cases the drugs fail to control them.

They are currently working on the development of this RNS device against this type of attack.



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