Home Fun Bristol scale: the 7 types of stool that exist

Bristol scale: the 7 types of stool that exist


There are many things that feces say about our health, depending on the shape, color and size. When the stool is “healthy” (solid, brown, in one piece, and smooth in texture), it is a clear indication that everything in the digestive system is working properly. The so-called Bristol scale classifies the types of feces that exist, and they are the following .

It was researchers SJ Leis and KW Heaton who created this table, which was published in the journal ‘Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology’ in 1997.


Type 1 is how the stool is called marble or rabbit droppings. It is common in people who suffer from severe constipation , and it is difficult to pass this type of stool. The recommendation is to consume more foods rich in fiber.

Pieces of marbles attached

In this case, the feces are also marble-shaped, but they are attached to each other . Although constipation is not as serious as in the first case, it is a sign that the person is not getting enough fiber and / or water.


The third type of stool according to the Bristol scale is shaped like a corncob, with cracks on the surface . Although evacuation takes a bit of work, it is regular.

Hot dog

The morphology of the stool is soft, smooth and elongated, with a diameter of no more than two centimeters. There is no need to worry because the stool is “healthy .” The person drinks water, has a healthy and balanced diet and exercises regularly.

pasty mass

Stools are soft with defined edges , and are usually accompanied by gas. They can indicate that the food has not been digested properly.


Stool is watery, pasty, and has irregular edges . The individual has a little diarrhea, and this can be caused by dehydration, stress, excess potassium …

Liquid consistency

And finally, totally liquid stools, with nothing solid. When done continuously, they are diarrhea . They are usually lighter in color than normal. Although in most cases the cause is not serious, you must be very careful because the risk of dehydration is high.

These are the types of stool according to the Bristol scale.



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