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Camouflage for laptop

The Catalan design studio Mitemite wants to pay tribute to all those things that, although they are not really good for anything, we accumulate at home because “they make our day”. Among the products of this factory of ideas is, for example, a curious tablecloth with a game of tic- tac-toe incorporated that allows you to entertain the meal or play who does the dishes.

One of its most striking objects is this security sleeve for laptops , which disguises them with covers of well-known newspapers . The idea is that would-be thieves mistake the computer for a newspaper. There are several designs of these extravagant briefcases, even versions of international headers, yes, somewhat different, such as Le País, The Dependent, The Tames or La Vanguarda. They can be obtained through www.mitemite.es for 65 euros.

Rocio Fraile



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