Home Fun Nature & Animal Can a case of animal abuse spread on social networks be reported?

Can a case of animal abuse spread on social networks be reported?


Thousands of cases of people in need , signature collections and much more have been announced quickly and efficiently . However, they have also become a tool for animal abusers who need their despicable acts to be seen by millions of people.

Although it is sad and frustrating , animal abuse is a scourge that is the order of the day and for these people, social networks have become their showcase . Although there are no official data, unfortunately this problem has skyrocketed over the years, it is what experts call cybercrime or computer crime.

Do not spread if we receive a case of abuse on networks

The first thing we must do is not spread the link or post of abuse unless it is to notify the authorities or an Animal Protection Entity so that they can proceed to report it. The people who make these publications are people who need many people to visualize their “feats”, if we spread, we collaborate with the abuser’s purpose: to reach more people.

Several possibilities can be given

  • The person who is committing the abuse and appears in the images with his face uncovered. In that case, thanks to citizen collaboration , it is possible to locate the person . Many cases have been resolved , animals have been saved and the culprits brought to justice .
  • Other cases are not so easy , the person does not show his face , mistreats animals and even tortures him without being able to identify him . In those cases it is very difficult to prosecute the crime.

How should we proceed

These recommendations must be taken into account so that abusers can be located:

  • Never use the option to report on the publication or profile before having notified the police. It is important that law enforcement officers view the images or photographs of the abuse to certify the facts, the screenshots would never be accepted as evidence in court, there must be a certification.
  • Reporting to the Civil Guard, it has a Telematics Crimes Group (GDT) or to the National Police, it has the Central Technological Investigation Brigade (BCIT) , providing all the evidence we have collected in a clear and orderly manner .
  • Another option is to contact an animal protection entity specialized in complaints so that they can advise or directly contact the police forces.

Difficulties in prosecuting crimes on networks

Pursuing a crime on social networks is complex and presents some difficulties :

  • The networks offer anonymity that makes it difficult to identify the perpetrator of criminal acts such as animal abuse.
  • Another difficulty arises when the perpetrator commits the crime outside of Spain, in the case of animal abuse it would be very complicated, if not unfeasible, to collaborate with judicial authorities in other countries.

Animal torture case in a blog

Some of you may remember the Schnauzi case and the “ Knino ” killer. The events occurred a few years ago, but it was one of the cruelest cases of animal torture spread on a blog . In a kind of storage room , a guy, who never showed his face and wore black gloves so as not to be identified by his hands, recorded the torture he subjected to a puppy , which, due to the seriousness of the injuries, died . Some terrible images that shocked and traumatized all the people who saw them .

In a comment on his blog, he said he was in Badajoz . There we saw a clue, Animal Justice reported it to the court and Adana filed a complaint with the national police . That made the judge ask Seprona if there had been cases of puppies being tortured in the area.

At that time, it came to light that five years earlier, some neighbors called Seprona because they found two tortured puppies in a garbage container, they had cut their tails and tongues , only one survived.

At the request of the court , the investigation that should have been carried out by Seprona at the time of the discovery of the puppies was initiated. Although this case was not related to the “Knino killer” , it did arrest NBB , a respected tax official and father of a family, who in his spare time enjoyed torturing defenseless puppies to death . In the trial it was possible to show that he regularly went to the municipal kennel posing as a volunteer for a shelter, he took out more than 50 puppies , according to him, to find them an adoption family , what no one suspected is that those defenseless beings were only waiting for them a cruel death .

He was sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison , people like that are a danger to society , psychopaths who when hurting an animal bores him, does not hesitate to attack people .

Thanks to the complaints , it was possible to solve that case that was not given importance , and if it had been investigated many lives would have been saved , five years is enough for many defenseless tortured puppies .

The puppy attended the trial , and an adult dog, who survived the rescue from that container, it was a great emotion to see him enter the room .







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