Home Living Can healthy foods be toxic?

Can healthy foods be toxic?


We all know that eating an entire box of chocolate bonbons in one afternoon is detrimental to our overall health. However, when it comes to healthier foods, such as vegetables or fruits, we think that the more we eat the better; But the truth is that eating too much of a food – even if it is very healthy – can be just as harmful to our body . What foods in large quantities can be toxic?

Spinach, beetroot and chard


Spinach, beet greens, and Swiss chard have high levels of oxalic acid, a strong organic acid that gives some vegetables a slightly bitter taste. If you eat more than 3 kilograms a day it can be dangerous.


What can cause? Kidney stones, abdominal pain, low blood pressure, seizures or tremors, vomiting, weak pulse …



Brazil nuts


Brazil nuts can lead to selenosis, due to an excess intake of selenium. Eating more than 5 Brazil nuts a day can be dangerous.


What can cause? Upset stomach, hair loss, fatigue, irritability, diarrhea, brittle hair and nails, discolored teeth, problems with the nervous system, metallic taste, bad breath … If selenosis is not treated, it can lead to breathing difficulties, kidney failure or heart attack.



Canned tuna


Canned tuna contains more mercury than any other fish. More than 3 to 5 cans of tuna a week can be dangerous.


What can cause? Vision or hearing problems, lack of coordination, muscle weakness …




Nutmeg contains a compound called myristicin, which in high doses can be poisonous. Taking more than a few tablespoons a day can be dangerous.


What can cause? Headaches, nausea, dizziness, hallucinations …





Greenish or green potatoes contain solanine, a potato alkaloid that can be toxic in large amounts. Eating about a pound of these potatoes can be dangerous.


What can cause? Vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac arrest …



Red beans


Kidney beans contain a toxin called Phytohemagglutinin or PHA. Eating any amount of raw kidney beans can be dangerous.


What can cause? Severe nausea and vomiting





Consuming too much water can lead to water intoxication or hyperhydration; excess water intake dilutes the sodium in the blood. The recommended water intake is 2.2 liters for women and 3 liters for men.


What can cause water poisoning? Impaired brain function, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, or nausea.




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