Home Living Can I get direct sun on my belly and breasts if I'm...

Can I get direct sun on my belly and breasts if I'm pregnant?


When summer arrives and the sun begins to beat down, one of the frequent doubts of pregnant women is whether there is any type of risk for the baby, or even for themselves, that the sun hits them directly on the belly and also on the breasts , if you like to go topless.

The recommendations are not different from the rest of the people, although it must be taken into account that during pregnancy you must take special care when sunbathing.

Due to the action of hormones, skin sensitivity increases and there is an increase in melatonin, for which the pregnant woman has to protect herself especially from the sun’s rays due to the risk of chloasma or melasma, also known as ‘pregnancy cloth ‘. They are brown spots that appear on the face, especially on the mustache, cheekbones and forehead.

In other words, if the pregnant woman sunbathes responsibly , nothing happens if she exposes her belly or her chest to the sun. Responsibly means using sunscreen and avoiding doing so in the middle of the day, when solar radiation is more intense.

Direct sun on the belly, is there any risk?

The baby is not at risk since it is inside the uterus protected by the amniotic fluid and the sun’s rays do not pass through the skin and tissues. Although you may notice greater light intensity, it does not affect you at all.

The sun can hit the gut , but always with caution. There is no reason to hide the tummy if we protect it with the appropriate cream and do not expose it during the hours of greatest radiation. So, if you like bikinis, they are also for pregnant women.

The only thing to keep in mind is that exposing the belly to the sun can darken the linea alba, the one that usually appears during pregnancy and that runs from the center of the belly to the navel.

Similarly, stretch marks appear when the skin is stretched, so it is essential to always keep the skin well hydrated, before, during and after sun exposure.

And in the breasts?

Many women like to go topless, and in the same way, you have to be careful when exposing your breasts to the sun. It is a sensitive area that usually receives less sunlight and can suffer more serious burns.

It is very important to insist here with sun protection , renew it every two hours and avoid the hours of greatest solar radiation.

It should also be borne in mind that it is an area in which stretch marks usually appear due to the increase in volume of the breasts during pregnancy. So, although it is not something that can be avoided, it can be minimized. Lots of hydration is the key.

For their part, the areolas – the dark-colored skin that surrounds the nipple –, like the linea alba, also darken during pregnancy, so it is likely that if you expose your breasts to the sun, they will become even darker.

sunbathe safely

In pregnancy it is safe to sunbathe, but following certain precautions, since your skin is more sensitive during pregnancy. Something that is essential that you use and reapply when necessary is a good cream with high sun protection (+50 SPF).

You should be careful when choosing the right one for you, as not all of them are safe to use during pregnancy. Choose a sun protection cream free of PABA and preferably with mineral filters. Apply it before exposing yourself to the sun and put it back on every two hours.

Avoid the hours of greatest solar radiation , which are regularly when the sun is highest, between 11:00 and 17:00. If you must go out during peak radiation hours, take some precautions to protect yourself from the sun, such as wearing a wide-brimmed hat or light clothing that covers your belly.



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