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Castillo Karlstejn


Karlstejn Castle is 45 minutes by train from Prague, and one of the most convenient and popular getaways from the Czech capital that tourists can enjoy. If you are not driving, a train is the only way to get to Karlstejn – there is no bus service despite the large number of visitors who choose to visit Karlstejn. While it may be tempting to fall asleep on this short train ride into town, you’ll want to stay awake for the final part of the trip because that’s when you’ll first get to see the majestic castle at its hilltop location.

From the train station, be prepared to walk for about half an hour (mainly uphill) to reach the castle proper, where you can buy tickets for the tours necessary to see the inside of the structure. If you need to stop along the way for snacks or drinks, both seated establishments and street vendors cater to castle visitors with everything from bottled water to Czech food to trdelnik buns.

The appeal of Karlstejn castle

The 14th century castle was originally built as a treasure to house the crown jewels of the Holy Roman Empire. The building was started by Charles IV, and like most castles, Karlstejn has seen changes and additions, as well as renovations, throughout its centuries-long history. While many of the best rooms are off-limits to visitors, the castle’s exterior, as well as guests’ interior access, make this trip a memorable one.

Much of Karlstejn’s charm lies in its location on a peak in the middle of wooded land, and the walk to the castle is a pleasant way to enjoy this scenery. Be sure to take your time and pause for photos as you ascend.

Castle tours

The two tours offered by Karlstejn Castle staff are completely different. Tour I lasts approximately 50 minutes and takes visitors through the Imperial Palace, the Hall of the Knights, the Chapel of St. Nicholas, the Royal Bedroom, and the Hall of Audiences. Tour II lasts about 70 minutes and requires advance reservations, but if you want to see the Holy Rood Chapel with its gem-encrusted walls, it will be worth planning a bit ahead.

The price of the tours varies depending on the type of tour and whether the guide speaks Czech or the language of your choice. Also be sure to check the opening hours and seasonal hours. The castle is closed in January and February, the coldest time of the year, and has the longest hours of operation during the day in July and August.

Exploring the town

Your trip to Karlstejn doesn’t start and end with your castle. The city offers shops, restaurants, bars and more. Souvenirs similar to those you’ve seen in Prague may be a bit cheaper here, although the selection will naturally be more limited, so it’s worth checking prices for glass, garnet, or other memorabilia here if you plan to buy sooner. leaving Czech Republic. The city also has a golf course if you have the time and inclination to play.

  • Antik-Bazaar Antiques Shop and Karlstejn

Karlstejn Castle Website:

For information on hours of operation and prices, visit the Karlstejn Castle website (English): www.hradkarlstejn.cz



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