Home Fun Nature & Animal Chinchilla, how to treat them when they come home

Chinchilla, how to treat them when they come home


Chinchillas have their own character, although they retain some generals with the rest of the small mammals, we must take this into account when handling and domesticating them.

We do not have to be on top of these little animals all the time because, as we have already said, they are intelligent, they are self-reliant and they really like to explore on their own. This does not mean that we let them live without paying attention to them, they also need us to be close to them from the beginning so that they gain trust with us, allow themselves to be manipulated, want to play and allow us to maneuver with the accessories of their cage when they are inside.

These animals, like most, like routine very much, so it is best that we follow a fixed schedule every day. We will feed them at the same times every day and we will have some free time with them every day. Try not to change this rhythm, if we are continually varying their schedules we could create stress for them.

Chinchillas are nocturnal animals so it will be at night when they have the most energy . We will take this feature into account when placing their cage because they will not stop eating, running, playing and making noises for about 10 hours. It is better to think twice before putting your house inside our room.

Chinchillas like to nibble on our fingers but it is not a behavior problem, the reason for this behavior is that they relate and show their affection in this way. So we will have to take it as a compliment, something positive. In any case, if the intensity of the bite is over, we must firmly say “no” and remove our hand from its grasp.

A chinchilla will not make it difficult for us to catch it. It will leave practically without problems (better that there is a previous domestication) and does not usually bite. To handle it optimally and safely we will have to hold it under the hind legs. We will never grab it roughly or grab it by the hair because it will not be a good hold and it may slip and fall to the ground. The consequences for these little ones can be serious.

The best way to catch our rodent is by the neck, by the base area, and with the other hand, grab it under the hind legs. We will avoid catching him by the ears.

You will learn to live with us thanks to the awards

The domestication of these animals will work very well based on prizes, that is, the best way to teach them to live in our environment will be by offering them food or snacks for rodents.

We will start giving him his food little by little from our hand, without sudden movements. The delicacy will tempt you so much that you will approach us carefully and become familiar with our smell and our contact.



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