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Christmas with young children ?: lower your expectations and enjoy the holidays together


Christmas with young children is very special; especially the first ones that we live as parents or the first ones in which our little ones begin to be aware of everything that happens around them.

But although there is no doubt that it is a magical and wonderful time, when there are young children it is necessary to lower our expectations and adapt to their needs and rhythms , so that we all enjoy them fully.

We review what are the most common situations that we can live with children this Christmas , and how to adapt to enjoy the holidays without surprises.

Children do not understand delicacies or delicacies

At Christmas the table is full of delicacies and exquisite dishes that we are not used to eating the rest of the year. For adults, most of these dishes are a delight to the taste buds and we thoroughly enjoy them.

But the same is probably not the case for children. In fact, I know of many little ones who do not eat a bite on these dates because they do not like what they see on the table.

Far from taking it as an offense ( “I’ve been cooking dinner all morning today, and now he doesn’t want to eat” ) or labeling the child as “weird” or “special” because he doesn’t like the same thing as we do, we must respect his tastes and treat it naturally.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that not all typical Christmas foods are suitable for children (either because they increase the risk of allergies or because they are susceptible to choking) so as far as possible we must offer them simple dishes according to to your liking so that you can enjoy dinner as we adults do.

Cooking sweet or savory recipes that appeal to them is also a great way to spend time together and enjoy the food together.

Stylish Christmas look? It may be short-lived

We all like to dress up on these dates , buy a special garment or accessory or wear that suit that we only wear for special occasions.

Of course, we also want our babies and children to look perfect, with festive, elegant and Christmas looks that we often acquire specifically for these days.

But we must not forget that the little ones need to run, play comfortably, experiment or get dirty without this causing us stress. So far from obsessing over the fact that they look pristine at these parties , we must relax and allow them to enjoy themselves as children.

They may have more tantrums on these dates

Children can erupt in tantrums when we least expect it, especially when they are young and their ability to verbalize what they feel is still reduced.

On these dates when routines are modified, there is a greater movement of people in the houses and a great sensory stimulation (colored lights, a lot of noises, music, colors, smells …) it is normal for children to show themselves more irascible , upset, or nervous, which could lead to more tantrums and frustrations.

It is important that, as far as possible, we respect the schedules and routines of the youngest children , and ask for collaboration from family and friends who come to visit our house.

Does your child not want to kiss or hug the guests? Don’t force it

If this Christmas you plan to meet with family or friends that your child has not seen or remembered for a long time, they may be reluctant to greet you with kisses and hugs. Shy children also tend to reject this form of greeting, especially at the beginning and in crowded environments.

Even if we can’t wait for our son to show his kind face to the guests, throw himself into the arms of our great-aunt or lavish affectionate gestures with our friends, it is important to respect his decision and not force him to kiss or hug people against their will.

Many times it is enough to give the child space and time, as well as to act normally so that things end up flowing and we all enjoy.

In short, Christmas with children is wonderful, but it can also be overwhelming or even not be what we expected. Therefore, it is best to be flexible, relativize and adapt to the needs of children so that everyone, young and old, can enjoy them equally.

Photos | iStock, Pexels, Pixabay

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