Home News Corona vaccination: Biontech worse than Moderna? New US study astonished

Corona vaccination: Biontech worse than Moderna? New US study astonished


Vaccination against the coronavirus is considered the only way out of the pandemic. But how long does the immunization last? And is the most popular vaccine in Germany not as good as others?

To get the corona pandemic under control, there is exactly one solution: Achieve herd immunity through vaccination and thus put a stop to the virus. So far, this is the only way that, according to scientists, makes it possible to finally escape Covid-19. But the vaccination campaign is currently stalling and although there is now even a vaccination recommendation for pregnant and breastfeeding women *, the vaccination rate – even in Baden-Württemberg – is not making any headway. This is probably also due to the fact that there are still uncertainties in the population about vaccines. Right?

As echo24.de * now reports, research into corona vaccines is still going on at full speed – be it to improve existing vaccines or to bring new vaccines, such as the mRNA preparation from CureVac *, onto the market. In addition, the question still arises of how long a corona vaccination lasts and when a third vaccination is recommended. In Baden-Württemberg, the first population groups are already entitled * to pick up their so-called “booster vaccinations”.

Corona vaccination: BioNTech vaccine worse than Moderna?

In the meantime, the US Center of Disease Control (CDC) has conducted a study to determine how long the different vaccines last. Your astonishing result: The effectiveness of the BioNTEch / Pfizer vaccine is likely to decrease faster than that of the Moderna preparation. These two vaccines are the only mRNA vaccines on the market and are considered to be particularly good.

In Germany, the BioNTech preparation is also by far the most frequently administered. Almost 77 million cans have been inoculated in this country. For comparison: The Moderna vaccine was injected almost 9.4 times, the AstraZeneca vaccine not quite 13 million times. The preparation from Johnson & Johnson comes to just under 3 million vaccine doses.

The US study, which is now supposed to prove that the highly acclaimed mRNA vaccine from BioNTech loses its effectiveness faster than the competitor from Moderna, took place between March and mid-August. The scientists carried out a so-called “test-negative case control study” in 21 US hospitals. This is also used for flu vaccinations, for example, as reported by focus.de.

Corona vaccination: New US study examined the long-term effects of the vaccines

The scientists therefore carried out PCR tests on 3,689 hospital patients over the age of 18 with corona-like symptoms. Of these, 1,682 were positive and 2,007 were negative. In addition, the researchers determined the vaccination status of all test subjects. The resulting data ultimately resulted in the following findings: The effectiveness against severe Covid 19 disease was 93 percent for Moderna, 88 percent for BioNTech and 71 percent for Johnson & Johnson. Since the AstraZeneca vector vaccine is not vaccinated in the US, it is not included in the study.

Moderna 93 percent
BioNTech 88 percent
Johnson & Johnson 71 percent

But not only that, according to the study, the effectiveness of the Moderna vaccine is generally rated the highest, the scientists also showed that the Moderna preparation achieves better values over a longer period of time. Accordingly, the protection of BioNTech decreases significantly after four months – this was not the case with Moderna. In their study, however, the researchers were unable to give a clear answer to why this phenomenon occurs at all. There is only one theory:

Corona vaccination – for these reasons Moderna could be better than BioNTech:

The Moderna vaccine has a higher mRNA content than its BioNTech counterpart. In addition, in the USA the second dose at BioNTech is already administered after three weeks, at Moderna there is four weeks between the first and second vaccination. According to the US researchers, this fact could also have an impact on the better long-term effect of the Moderna vaccine against the coronavirus.

Nevertheless, after completing their study, the US scientists emphasized that they see good protection against a severe course of Covid-19 with all three vaccines tested – and German politicians also repeatedly appeal to be vaccinated against the coronavirus at all. After all, it was only recently announced that a certain dangerous vaccine side effect could be refuted *. The number of people who died in connection with a corona vaccination * is also relatively low in Germany.

In some German federal states, a corona vaccination is also becoming increasingly important in order to continue to participate in public life. The current Corona regulation for Baden-Württemberg *, for example, contains a 2G rule that excludes unvaccinated people from visiting restaurants, the cinema or the theater. * echo24.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.



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