Home Fun Curiosities of Pythagoras: facts that you did not know about the mathematician

Curiosities of Pythagoras: facts that you did not know about the mathematician


We know about Pythagoras that he was a reference point in ancient Greek society, whose contributions to mathematics and philosophy are considered fundamental and continue to be the object of study to this day. However, a series of myths and beliefs have been woven about the life of this historical figure, in which we are going to stop, to learn about certain curiosities of Pythagoras.

Before that, anyway we wanted to remember some basic facts about his life, such as that he was born in Samos, in 569 BC, or that he is unanimously considered the first great mathematician in history, given his advances. in geometry and arithmetic.

Of course, many of us associate Pythagoras with the theorem that bears his name, although he can also be attributed other contributions such as friendly numbers, perfect numbers and polygonal numbers , most of which today are basic for mathematics. modern.

He also invented the monochord and formulated the laws of regular musical intervals.

Curiosities of Pythagoras that you did not know


Right now a good part of the world population defines itself as vegetarian, insofar as they do not consume food of animal origin.

In those days this was not at all common, although Pythagoras converted to secrecy and vegetarianism, probably influenced by the Indian culture that he held so dear.

Broad bean phobia

Phobias do not forgive anyone, not even Pythagoras himself, who had an irrational fear of beans, without ever being able to explain why. Some think that it was because of their flatulent condition, which led several contemporaries to conclude that they could be harmful.

His own school

Pythagoras founded a philosophical and religious school in what is now southern Italy, attended by hundreds of fans of his knowledge. A school that accepted both men and women, and in which mathematical, astronomical and medical issues were discussed, among others.

Particular rules

The Pythagoreans, as the followers of Pythagoras were called, had adopted a series of habits or particular rules that they had to follow to the letter.

Some of those strange customs were not being able to eat grains, not picking up anything that fell to the ground, not being able to break loaves, not eating the hearts of animals , not touching specifically white roosters, or stirring the fire with iron instruments.

And you, did you know these curiosities of Pythagoras?



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