Home Living Curious things that some parents do to distinguish their twins and triplets

Curious things that some parents do to distinguish their twins and triplets


Having a multiple pregnancy comes with multiplied joy but also increased work, as it involves receiving and raising more than one newborn baby at the same time.

Although in many cases it is easy to identify one baby from another, when it comes to babies who are identical, this can become a challenge. We share some curious things that parents of twins and triplets have done to distinguish their babies more easily.

Put a badge on their ankle

One of the easiest and most practical ways to tell twins and triplets (or quads and quintuplets) apart is to put an ankle strap or bracelet on their ankles . It is important to note that this accessory must be made of soft material that does not squeeze or bother and, above all, make sure that it does not have small parts that babies can put in their mouths.

Dress everyone in the same color

One of the most used strategies for both parents and relatives to distinguish babies is to adopt certain rules when dressing them. Some choose to assign a color to each baby and that all their clothes are always in that same color (for example, one purple and one gray) or, with different patterns (one with patterned clothes and the other in solid colors).

Comb or cut their hair differently

Another way to distinguish twins or triplets is related to their physical appearance and can be very useful in cases of identical twins or triplets: cut their hair differently or give them different hairstyles (although we should not go to extremes as they did with quadruplets, whose parents cut their hair in the shape of numbers to differentiate them).

Paint a toenail

According to the parents of identical triplets, painting their toenails a different color has been the only thing that has worked for them to tell them apart.

It is not necessary to paint all the fingers and maybe one nail is enough. If we opt for this measure, we must ensure that the enamel used is safe for children.

Put a timestamp on them

Another measure that some parents have done -but that we do not believe is recommended due to the delicate skin of the baby- is to place a temporary tattoo on them that helps identify each one or draw a small mole on their foot.

The difference is in the details

Here are some of the weird things we’ve seen parents of multiples do to set them apart, especially during the first few days when they haven’t yet gotten to know their babies.

However, despite looking identical, it is possible to identify each one if we look at the details : perhaps someone has more open eyes or perhaps he has a small swirl in his hair. Over time, the personality and behavioral characteristics of each one will also help to know who is who.



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