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Declaration of artists and academics in Mexico in the face of the social crisis in Colombia


Mexican writers, artists and academics speak in a letter about some events that occurred within the framework of the current National Strike.

“Since the beginning of the National Strike in Colombia, on April 28, we have observed with concern the acts of violence committed, with high presumption, by the police: repression against legitimate social protest, assassinations, aggressions and forced disappearances.

According to Indepaz estimates, the strong repression of mobilizations and public demonstrations has left, until May 8, 47 people killed, 278 people attacked, 12 cases of sexual violence, 963 arbitrary detentions and 548 disappeared.

The evident violence of the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD), the disproportionate use of force, the participation of paramilitary groups, the risks associated with the militarization of the main cities (with an army with more than fifty years of experience in frontal fight against the guerrilla) and the reluctance of the government of President Duque to show solidarity with the victims paint a highly serious panorama.

The mobilizations were triggered by the attempt to impose an insensitive and ominous tax reform that sought to tax everything from food and medicine to funeral services, in the midst of a pandemic that has exacerbated a deep economic and health crisis that has hit the classes especially for years. stockings and popular. But the national and intersectoral scope of social protest also responds to problems such as deep economic and social inequality, the corruption of various officials and political actors associated with elites who have historically concentrated power, the multiple and offensive murders of human rights defenders. human rights and social leaders, the repression of indigenous and peasant movements, and the delays and obstacles that the current government has placed in the implementation of the peace agreements signed in 2016 between the defunct FARC guerrilla and the government of then-president Juan Manuel Saints.

For all the above, we express our solidarity with the legitimate struggle of the Colombian people in their quest to find peaceful solutions to the social problems and injustices that led them to mobilize. Likewise, we express our rejection of the repression of State agents, we commend and urge that the dialogues between the government of President Duque and the Unemployment Committee (as well as the various instances that the mobilized society defines for such purposes) are carried out. in a context that guarantees the safety of the participants, has a broad and inclusive character and leads to the realization of real solutions, capable of addressing the root causes underlying the current crisis ”.

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* Word:


Elena Poniatowska, writer; Jorge Volpi Escalante, writer; Benito Taibo Mahojo, writer; Rosa Beltrán Álvarez, writer; Carmen Boullosa, writer; Mari Carmen de Lara, filmmaker; Enrique Villaseñor, photographer; Francisco Mata Rosas, photographer; Everardo González, filmmaker; Fernando Magallón, photojournalist; Héctor Manjarrez, writer; Marina Stavenhagen, filmmaker; Hernán Bravo Varela, writer; Rosa Paz, journalist; Álvaro Ruiz Abreu, writer; Luciana Kaplan, filmmaker; Juan Castro Gessner, filmmaker; Natalia Bruschtein, filmmaker; Inti Cordera, filmmaker; Shula Erenberg, filmmaker; Fernando Llanos, filmmaker; Laura Imperiale, filmmaker; Guadalupe Sánchez Sosa, filmmaker; Eugenia Montiel, filmmaker; Valentina Leduc Navarro, filmmaker; Lorena Rossete Riestra, filmmaker; Elke Franke, filmmaker; Yoame Escamilla, filmmaker; Guadalupe Miranda, filmmaker; Yaizu Vázquez Aburto, filmmaker; Yuli Rodríguez, filmmaker; Alejandra Sánchez, filmmaker; Roque Azcuaga, filmmaker; Rodolfo Castillo Morales, filmmaker; Carolina Kerlow, filmmaker; Michelle Plascencia, filmmaker; Lucía Gajá, filmmaker; Luisa Riley, filmmaker; César Uriarte, filmmaker; Témoris Grecko, filmmaker; Pepe Jiménez, filmmaker; Andrea Stavenhagen, filmmaker; Elide N., photojournalist; Josefa Ortega Erreguerena, curator; Cristián Calónico, documentary filmmaker; Daniela Tarazona, writer; Juan Meliá, theater director; Eduardo Cerdán, writer; Verónica Langer, actress; José Manuel Valdés, plastic artist; María Luisa Erreguerena, writer; Alicia Molina Argudín, writer; Bárbara Carroll de Obeso, film promoter; Antonio del Rivero Herrera, filmmaker; Jorge Suárez Coellar, cinematographer; Anabell Castañeda, journalist; Coizta Grecko B, filmmaker; Miguel Jaramillo Ruiz, film sound engineer; Magali Lara, painter; Ana Paulina Ríos Pérez, designer; Aline Michelle Enríquez Carrillo, designer; Adriana Flores Fernández, visual artist; Mateo Emiliano Cuarón Flores, musician; Adriana Espíndola González, painter; Ana Xanic López Guzmán, editor; Ana Lucía Mena Tachiquín, designer; Jessica Sandoval Ocampo, designer; Nicole Monsivais Lehne, visual artist; Danira Lizbeth Espinosa Gaona, designer; Pablo Tonatiuh Barraza, music producer; María José Sánchez Blanco, museologist; Ulises Ortiz Castillo, visual creator.

Academics (cas):

UAM: Néstor García Canclini, Diego Lizarazo Arias, Óscar Lozano Carrillo (Rector of UAM-Azcapotzalco), Rodrigo Díaz Cruz (Rector of UAM-Iztapalapa), Mario Rufer, Ileana Diéguez, Gabriel Sosa Plata, Beatriz Solís Leree, Ramón Alvarado, Ana Rosas Mantecòn, Javier Esteinou Madrid, Josefa Erreguerena Albateiro, Noé Germán Cordero Tapia, Teodoro Villegas Barrera, Hugo Aboites, Alejandro Juan Pineda, Sergio Fernández González, Margarita Reyna Ruiz, Reyna Sánchez Estévez, Yisel Arce Padrón, Fernando Lozano Ramírez, Sara María de Lourdes Rodríguez, Primavera Téllez Girón García, Mauricio Andión Gamboa, Guillermo Joaquín Jiménez Mercado, Yolanda Mercader Martínez, Teseo López Vargas, Humberto Guerra de la Huerta, José Alberto Sánchez Martínez, Margarita Zires, Silvia Gutiérrez Vidrio, María José Rodilla, Dolly Spínola Frausto , Alicia Izquierdo Rivera, Francisco Javier Huerta Moreno, Eduardo Andión Gamboa, Jerónimo Luis Repoll, Jorge Armando Dávila Ramírez, Tatiana Sorókina, Gerardo Marván Enríqu ez, Guiomar Rovira Sancho, Sofía de la Mora Campos, Luis Esparza Oteo Torres, Margarita Alegría de la Colina, Beatriz García Castro, Alejandro Caamaño Tomás, Ociel Flores Flores, Guillermo Martínez Atilano, Claudia Salazar Villava, Alejandro Araujo Pardo, Rodrigo Parrini, Frida Gorbach, Raúl Cabrera Amador, Alejandro Aréchiga Janet, Elsie Mc Phail Fanger, María de Lourdes Beríritu Villalobos, Erica Marisol Sandoval Rebollo, Marco Alberto Porras Rodríguez, Jesús Alberto Rosado Briceño, Patricia Ortega, Gregorio Hernández Zamora, Sara Makowsky, Víctor López Menacho , Carlos Gómez, Fabiola Araiza Ramírez, Adriana Soto Martínez, Consuelo Beas, Víctor Manuel Ortega Esparza, Héctor Javier Cortés Maldonado, Carlos Vega Escalante, Patricia Couturier, Ramón Alvarado Jiménez, Rocío GuadarramaOlivera, Ana Carolina Robles, Gladys Ortiz Henderson, Lucía Tomasini Bassols, Josué Tinoco Amador, Vicente Castellanos Cerda, Noé Santos Jiménez, Janette Góngora Soberanes, Francisco Javier Treviño, Juan Ramiro de la Rosa Mendoza, Sergio Cámara Izquierdo, Abelardo Mariña Flores, Yolanda Massieu, María Teresa Godínez Rivera, Luvia Duarte, Diego Vargas Ugalde, Jesús Manuel Ramos, Gilberto Mendoza, Roberto Escorcia Romo, Araceli Mondragón González, Edmundo García Estévez, Marco Antonio Molina, María del Consuelo Chapela, Diana Fuentes De Fuentes, Iván Pável Moreno Espíndola, David Benítez Rivera, Hugo Enrique Sáez Arreceygor.

UNAM: Iván Trujillo Bolio, general director of TV UNAM; José Luis Paredes Pacho, director of the Museo Universitario del Chopo; Cinthya García Leyva, director of Casa del Lago Juan José Arreola; Diego Vázquez, artistic director of the UNAM Choreographic Workshop; Mario Espinosa Ricalde, director of the University Theater Center; Paola Morán Leyva, technical secretary of Linking; Myrna Ortega Morales, head of the Secretariat for Extension and Digital Projects; Amanda de la Garza Mata, general director of Visual Arts; Evoé Sotelo Montaño, director of Dance; Socorro Venegas Pérez, general director of Publications and Editorial Development; Gabriela Gil, coordinator of the Academic Unit of the Coordination of Cultural Diffusion; Raissa Pomposo, coordinator of the Gloria Contreras Chair in Dance Studies and its Interdisciplinary Links; Graciela de la Torre Pérez, coordinator of the Inés Amor Chair in Cultural Management; Alexandra Saavedra Galindo, coordinator of the Carlos Fuentes Chair; Mariana Gándara Salazar, coordinator of the Ingmar Bergman Chair; Imelda Martorell Nieto, coordinator of the “José Emilio Pacheco” Extraordinary Chair and Universo de Letras; Jacobo Dayán, coordinator of the Nelson Mandela Chair on Human Rights in the Arts; Marcela Díez-Martínez Franco, coordinator of the UNAM Culture Community Program; Emiliano Ruiz Parra, coordinator of the Journalistic Investigations Unit; Fernando Saint Martin de Maria y Campos, coordinator of the Arturo Márquez Chair of Musical Composition; José Franco, general coordinator of Art, Science and Technology; José Luis Montaño Maldonado, Campus Coordinator of the University Cultural Center; Julieta Giménez Cacho García, director of the Laboratory of Cultural Initiatives UNAM; BethsabéGuzmán, Academic Unit. UNAM culture.

Carlos Pereda Failache, Raquel Mosqueda Rivera, Horacio Armando Paz Hernández, Graciela Martínez Matías, Patricia Ramírez Kuri, Yanna Hadatty Mora, Yliana Rodríguez González, Laura Bejarano Espinosa, Gabriela Damián Miravete, Sandra Escutia Díaz, Luz Adriana Arreola Paz, Ana Laura Zavala Díaz , Ivonne Sánchez Becerril, Armando Velázquez Soto, Ulises Valderrama Abad, Bernardo Beríritu Frank, Brenda Morales Muñoz, Claudio García Ehrenfeld, Baruch Martínez Zepeda, Laura Elisa Vizcaíno Mosqueda, Edivaldo González Ramírez, Alejandra Amatto Cuña, Silvia Elisa Aguilar Funes, Carmina Estrada, Carolina Domínguez, Gabriela Eugenia López Torres, Anel Pérez, Bernardo Zamacona, Kenya Bello, Berenice Ortega Bayona, Cristina Sánchez Parra, Eva Castañeda Barrera.

UACM: Evangelina Sánchez Serrano, Martha Olivares, Amarela Varela Huerta, Wilda Western, Daniela Rawicz, César Enrique Fuentes Hernández, Javier Gutiérrez Marmolejo, Andrés Keiman Freire, Oswalth Basurto Bravo, Teresa West, Gabriel Aguilar, José Alberto Benítez, Elia Echeverría Arjonilla, Itzam Pineda Rebolledo, Angela Hasyadeth Borja Chagoya, Luis Ariosto Mora Gutiérrez, María Elena Durán Lizárraga, Aideé Tassinari Azcuaga, Mónica Sarnari, Beatriz Eugenia Romero Cuevas, Carlos Perezmurphy Mejía, Martha Bolio Márquez, José Carlos Vilchis Frausntaell, Sandrain Zaragoza Luna, Olivia Gómez González, María Teresa Mc Kelligan, María Fernanda Carrillo, Ana Rosen, Lourdes Guzmán Pizarro, Dania Oralia Aguilar Martínez, Alejandra Rivera Quintero, Nadia Vázquez Díaz, Karina Beatriz Kloster, Emiliano García Canal, Rosa María Macías Herrera, Graciela Sánchez Guevara, Jezreel Salazar, Jorge Aldo Jurado.

Other institutions: Claudia Rangel Lozano, UAGro., Georgina Rojas García, CIESAS; María de Lourdes Sánchez Velázquez, UPN; Benjamin Mayer Foulknes, 17, Institute for Critical Studies; Rossana Reguillo, ITESO; Itza Varela Huerta, The College of Mexico; José Rafael Mauleón Rodríguez, Icons; Flor de Liz Pérez, UJAT; Dalia Ruiz Ávila, UPN; Marcela Portillo Sánchez, Ibero-American University; Nora Alicia Espino, La Salle University; Ana Lilia Maciel, ENPEG-La Esmeralda; Lorena Mac Gregor Osorno, INBA; Clementina Battcock, INAH; Guiomar Jiménez Orozco, CENTER; Mexican Association of Public Defenders (AMEDI); Ana Laura Hernández Hernández, Icons; José Luis Valencia, Icons; Raúl Arturo Ruiz Arriaga, EDINBA; Diana Castillo Zamudio, Icons; Diana del Carmen Madrigal, UJAT; Rebeca de la Cruz Palomeque, UJAT; Crystiam del Carmen Estrada, UJAT; Beatriz López Tovar, Universidad Iberoamericana; Rocío Rodríguez de la Cruz, UJAT; Consuelo Rodríguez García, UJAT; Guillermo León Ramírez, Universidad Iberoamericana; Ileana Díaz Ramírez, Icons; Regina Palacios Penna, Icons; Jesús Lujambio Oropeza, UAEMex; Leonardo Martínez, Icons; Maria Papenfuss, University of Leipzig; Hugo Angulo Fuentes, UJAT; Arabi Eduardo Soriano González, UJAT; Juan Cajas Castro, UAEM; Antonio Sustaita, UG; Jorge Buitrago, Universidad Iberoamericana; Israel Ramírez, The College of San Luis; Juan M.Berdeja Acevedo, The College of San Luis; Marco Polo Taboada Hernández, La Salle University; Karla Urbano Gómez, Universidad Iberoamericana; Alejandra Díaz Zepeda, UAQ; Fabián Giménez Gatto, UAQ; Hugo José Regalado Jacobo, UABC; Lucia Denise Anzures, INBA; Héctor Aquiles Escobar Sotomayor, psychoanalyst; Ramsés Arturo Cruz Arenas, Professor Conacyt; Adriana Varona Marmolejo, clinical psychologist; Varinia Cortés Rodríguez, psychoanalyst; Fernando Michel Montealegre Pabello, psychoanalyst.

Mexico City, May 14, 2021



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