Home Auto Destinations for a different holiday on wheels

Destinations for a different holiday on wheels


No ordinary citizen suspected, when toasting the entrance in 2020, that we would like to overcome it without delay. Many seem to have forgotten the count, the quarantine, or the fear. Others, on the other hand, understand that much effort remains to be done. According to the latest CIS barometer, only 27% of Spaniards consider a vacation and, of those lucky ones, 7% venture across borders . It is a different, hard and learning year. The health crisis does not seem to let us breathe when we begin to notice the economic tsunami of business closure, derived from confinement and the globalized economic model. The car has become the preferred means of traveling, either through our territory or to neighboring countries. Seat presents us with eight European destinations that we can access on four or two wheels.

Surveys suggest that national tourism will be the most recurrent this 2020, with 90% of Spaniards spending the summer on the beaches of the Mediterranean or strolling through the green mountains of the north. For those who prefer unknown lands, we recommend paying special attention to the news and the day-to-day about their epidemic situation . It is important to respect the rules of each population and reduce social contact to the maximum, a behavior that will be more bearable if we choose the car as a means of transport. The rolling comfort of the Seats makes them the perfect allies for these adventures, from the Tarraco kilometer-eater to the new Leon 2020.

The firm does not forget its own landscapes, far from it. As an alternative to European countries, Seat asks us to get to know the Los Picos de Europa National Park . The limestone peaks surrounded by nature are one of the favorite destinations in summer and may continue to be so in 2020. The proposed route would start in Riaño and take us by road until the days of Covadonga to end in Potes. On the way we will see the Leon fjords, the Beyos gorge and the Soto de Sajambre and Cangas villages. If the intention is to visit other countries here we leave you routes through Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Portugal, France, Romania and Norway .



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