Home Fun Did you know that we misuse the expression 'borage water'?

Did you know that we misuse the expression 'borage water'?


Surely you have said more than once to stay in borage water or dry borage water. We usually attribute this to expecting something and then it comes to nothing, that is, not what we expected and then we are disappointed. But do you know that we are misusing this expression?

It has to do with the borage plant that is really tasteless and tasteless, so if we make an infusion of it, then it does not taste of anything.

Locks water

Apparently, the herb that gave its name to this expression was not borage but locksmith, which is a plant used as a remedy for various treatments, such as appetite or liver problems.

When an infusion was made with this plant, that of locks, it had no flavor whatsoever and the expression then used was water of locks , because we were left the same, disappointed or something that we really did not expect after having placed our expectations on it.

It is an expression that dates from the year 1611, so it has been used for a long time, but nevertheless, it has been changed, to borage water, then saying this expression wrong.

This was for different reasons, although the origin is still scattered. It is believed that the name of the plant was lost because it was passed from the towns to the cities where the locksmith plant was not known at all.

That is, it was changed to another plant that was better known, borage , and because it is easier to say and also to remember. But we are really using the expression borage water badly since we say it.

What happens is that people have continued to say it from generation to generation and not knowing why it has been attributed and it has remained that way for the end of the years. But like many other things that have followed tradition, although not in a correct way, it has been allowed to pass and is now accepted by all.

While for the RAE; borage water is a thing of little or no importance, especially when it seemed to have it at first. So, although there was the other expression before, it seems that it has already adopted it over the years as we have highlighted.

What is borage?

It is a plant native to North Africa, rich in various fatty acids (polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated). It has an anti-inflammatory, revitalizing, emollient and moisturizing action, but also a role in relieving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.





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