Home Fun Astrology Dieter Nuhr: Gender and Corona Conspiracy Code 1984 – he doesn't do...

Dieter Nuhr: Gender and Corona Conspiracy Code 1984 – he doesn't do it under that


At first the viewer thinks: Did Dieter Nuhr eat chalk? Could he be an opportunist? The FR criticism.

Frankfurt am Main – In fact, the year 2021 was quite exhausting in many ways and bad enough, especially when it comes to Corona. But if you really wanted to kick it in the bin shortly before the end, you followed the review of Cancel Culture King Dieter Nuhr on ARD.

And no, nobody had to do that, especially not when the 60 minutes were announced on ARD à la: “He does what he always does.” that with the “silencing” on the part of the “press public” is simply fake news?

Dieter Nuhr on ARD: Unfortunately, it’s still not funny

“What a bad luck, I have three toenails pulled,” said a user on Twitter about the reception of the alleged gag fireworks in advance. But Nuhr would not be Nuhr if he did not confirm to the user that he had chosen the right one of two options.

To get one thing straight up front: Dieter Nuhr is still not funny, and it shouldn’t be much funnier than “it was a year of cheerfulness” either. However, at least in the first part of the ARD show he had eaten a lot of chalk in front of an audience: His anti-lateral thinker number came across as badly mainstream, almost brainwashed. Just as if he had copied from the “press public”, the obligatory Karl Lauterbach bashing (“Prince of Darkness”) is left out – but it is now put into the program by all so-called comedians.

Dieter Nuhr on ARD: Jokes mainly below the belt

So Nuhr chuckled against the anti-vaccination roar without really contributing anything of his own, except that his legs always seemed to itch. “Erectile dysfunction because of the vaccination” had done it to him, whereby of course the underlines his masculinity, the genital fixation marked as “funny”.

The initial impression was: Nuhr has traded his anti-gender cancel culture mania for slippery man’s jokes. For three days he “couldn’t get his penis up”, and he joked about viruses and feces, bowel movements and genitals. That was a maximum of unsavory Ballermann level, but, sorry Dieter Nuhr, nothing more.

In addition to Lauterbach, he always worked on Annalena Baerbock (“a bit more woman than Habeck) and of course inevitably on Donald Trump and Joe Biden:” Mad and mummy – better brain-dead than undead “. Yawn

Dieter Nuhr (ARD): Facts don’t matter

Should his fans really have dragged themselves to the Friedrichspalast in Berlin? Of course not, because Dieter Nuhr simply cannot do without his favorite topic. Because of a possible pregnancy, he had been vaccinated against rubella, after all, gender is “a social construction”. Well, there he is, the Nuhr who usually messes up his gender problem in every second sentence.

“Today you have to be so careful what you say”, after all, this year gendering has prevailed, and indeed “against the will of the majority”. Yes, or aha, where exactly did gendering prevail? Anyone interested in the legal situation will find astonishing things at the Juraforum: “Companies, newspapers and other actors in the private sector can in principle freely choose whether they want to be gendered and, if so, which approach they use.”

“Against the will of the majority” it is therefore subject to the freedom of each individual how they say something. But the fighter des Dudens from 1953 does not seem to be concerned with the factual in general. Here he was bothered by the colleagues on the stations, some of whom integrate gendering into their public language, and hinted at a non-existent regularity. As a gift, his fans raged, “Bravo” calls for the plaintext writer, who finally said that they are so “pissed off” (DN) for “everyone”, these gendered wimps.

Dieter Nuhr just doesn’t like changes

They hung on his every word and explained that “the teacher” was a neuter, “teacher” was the feminine form and that men in general were disadvantaged because there was no form of their own for them. Which is of course funny, but at the same time incredibly true. At least if you are a fighter for the Dudens from 1947 (see above).

Tiny question: The fact that the neuter was historically formed with the male personal pronoun “he” has to do with what? Maybe even with patriarchal structures aka male rule? I wo, or Papperlapapp or whatever, after all, language is a “cultural asset”. Gender, on the other hand, is a “political opportunity”, after all, “[we] do not live in 1984”.

To the broadcast

Nuhr 2021 – The annual review (ARD). Broadcast on December 21, 2021. The broadcast in the ARD media library.

Oops, did Dieter Nuhr really say that? Did he and he used the year that every second conspiracy narrator is allowed to use as a password for his Telegram channel. But let’s leave that and note that Nuhr simply doesn’t like changes, just like his fans, who thank him euphorically when he propagates life with climate change instead of wanting to prevent it.

It would be even nicer if people rushed back home in their SUVs with a guilty conscience instead of laughing at these gender idiots. (Katja Thorwarth)

Dieter Nuhr (ARD): His annual review of 2020 was just missing
Dieter Nuhr and Cancel Culture: Who is disgusting whom here?



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