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Do you want to understand how the cloud is a catalyst for business?


Organizations have promoted the use of new technologies and tools that allow them to adjust and improve their business models, according to the conditions and demands of today’s reality. Attending to the needs of entrepreneurs and business leaders, the Executive Degrees division of the Banking and Commercial School (EBC) offers the Programming and Digital Transformation career.

This higher education institution, with more than 90 years of history, allows its students to train in topics related to digitization and new technologies, without neglecting its specialized focus on business.

According to the research “Panorama of innovation in Mexico and Central America”, carried out by KPMG in our country, 98% of companies plan to invest in innovation items that allow them to optimize their business models, as well as improve products. and services they offer.

In addition, 77% of organizations consider that one of the technologies that will have the greatest future impact on the way organizations operate is the use of cloud services. In recent years there has been an increase in the adoption of processes and methodologies where the use of technologies plays a fundamental role, with cloud computing being one of its main protagonists.

During her participation in the Programming and Digital Transformation Week, organized by the EBC, Cindy Polin, director of the Solutions Architects team for Mexico in the Public Sector at Amazon Web Services (AWS), LATAM, explained that cloud services in the professional environment “they are going to help speed up digitization, automate processes and make them more efficient; they will help them to be much more agile and to be able to innovate much faster”.

The use of the cloud increases efficiency within companies and facilitates their operations, all with significant advantages such as: cost reduction, as well as the use of consolidated platforms that avoid the development of new infrastructure, both software and hardware. hardware .

The EBC trains expert professionals in the cloud

The adoption of new technologies represents new challenges for the business world. One of the main challenges that companies face is attracting talent that has the skills to correctly use these tools.

Given the need to have professionals trained in topics related to information technology, programming and digital transformation, the Banking and Commercial School has promoted specialized programs that enable students to develop this type of skills and abilities.

The executive degree in is based on a model that allows its students to obtain intermediate certificates that guarantee their knowledge, including Cloud Architecture. This complete study program lasts two and a half years and provides a comprehensive vision that allows understanding the business environment from a strategic and operational perspective.

Learn more about the Executive Bachelor’s Degree in Programming and Digital Transformation from The digital future is a reality and training must be a constant.



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