Home News Duchess Kate: With her help, her brother defies his depression

Duchess Kate: With her help, her brother defies his depression


James Middleton is open about his depression. It would be different without Duchess Kate and his family. On World Mental Health Day, James talks about facts.

London – October 10th is World Mental Health Day. Duchess Kate’s brother James Middleton (34) has surprisingly openly revealed in an interview with the British Telegraph how much his illness weakened him. Getting his family on board wasn’t an easy step, but since he did, the Middletons have been sticking together and helping where they can.
Above all: the Duchess of Cambridge (39).

“There was nothing I could do,” he told the Telegraph. “I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t read a book, I couldn’t watch a movie, I couldn’t eat,” he said. Talking openly about his feelings was next to impossible. Least of all towards their own family. “The fact is that no matter what experience one has had, family members are the most difficult people,” he confessed in an interview.

He must have felt pathetic, especially since his family is teeming with success stories. Mother Carole (66) starts her own lucrative business *, sister Pippa Matthews (38) is married into a rich London family * and lives happily with her children in England’s capital and Duchess Kate * (39) is a member of the British royal family and the Wife of the future heir to the throne, who lives in a palace with her three great children.

Still, James took the plunge and underwent cognitive behavioral therapy for a year to learn what to do when darkness threatened to engulf him. His family supported him and did what they could to help James. Presence was required. All family members, including the very busy Kate, went to some counseling sessions individually or together, reports the brother-in-law Prince Williams * (39).

James was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder in 2019 along with clinical depression. * 24royal.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA



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