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Father's health is linked to risk of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage: study


In recent years, various investigations have found that the health and age of the father are also important before pregnancy, and these can influence the appearance of problems in the health of the mother and baby during and after pregnancy.

Now, after analyzing almost a million pregnancies, a recent study concluded that when the father suffers from three or more specific medical conditions, the risk of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage increases .

The study

Published in the journal Human Reproduction , the study carried out by researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine in the United States, analyzed 958,804 pregnancies that occurred between 2009 and 2016, in order to analyze how the father’s health influenced gestational losses .

It was found that if the father is not in good health and suffers from three or more conditions such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol , the risk of presenting ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion or fetal death increases.

According to the results found by the researchers, if the father was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, which includes three or more of the aforementioned medical conditions, the risk of the mother losing the pregnancy increased .

Compared with men who did not have any of the components of the metabolic syndrome, the risk of losing the pregnancy increased by 10%, 15% and 19% , if the father had one, two or three or more components, respectively.

Although the researchers clarify that this does not prove that poor paternal health can cause the pregnancy to be lost, it does show that there is a relationship between both things , and they remember the importance of attending the doctor when you want to have a baby, to analyze health both men and women, and thus prepare for a healthy pregnancy.

Photo | Unsplash
Via | EurekAlert
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