Home Fun Astrology Federal election 2021: yellow-green approximations for Anne Will (ARD)

Federal election 2021: yellow-green approximations for Anne Will (ARD)


After the general election, Anne Will (ARD) was very constructive – especially between liberals and environmentalists.

When the waiters choose who can be a chef: The (preliminary) result of the federal election in 2021 brought an innovation with a spicy note. Although the two candidates with the most votes each claimed to be Federal Chancellor, the two smaller coalition partners will presumably decide.

On the evening of the election (September 26th, 2021) it was repeatedly reported that the heads of the FDP and the Greens initially want to exchange ideas and sound out what unites them and what separates them in their ideas of future government work. Robert Habeck, co-chairman of the Greens, referred to his experiences in Schleswig-Holstein, where he and the FDP man Wolfgang Kubicki set the course for a Jamaica coalition.

Anne Will (ARD) on the 2021 federal election: Wissing (FDP) and Özdemir (Greens) find common ground

And something like that, that became apparent on Anne Will’s broadcast (ARD) after the election, it could run again. This could be inferred above all from the contributions made by FDP General Secretary Volker Wissing. The politician, known as a die-hard economic liberal, always showed a closeness to the positions of his green colleague Cem Özdemir, for example on the topics of digitization or education.

And there was not only a sentence like: “We agree on the goals in many ways”, but Wissing, Minister of Economics in the Rhineland-Palatinate traffic light coalition until May, also clearly distinguished himself from the CDU with his reference to a necessary “departure” . Above all, the conservatives believe that renewal is “not the strength” of the Christian Democrats. In the long years of its government, the CDU also failed to bring about the tax reform desired by the FDP.

Anne Will (ARD) on the 2021 federal election: It won’t be easy for the SPD

Whether that was a bit of a bluff or not, it certainly indicated that the situation for the Social Democrats, who were electoral winners on Sunday evening, will not be easy to translate the victory into government responsibility. Especially since election loser Armin Laschet behaved as a serious competitor yesterday and valiantly tried his phrase about the “future coalition” that he wanted to forge – he had little choice but to put everything on the chancellery card, as journalist Kristina Dunz did with Anne Will held on.

Guests at Anne Will ARD, September 26th, 2021
Pure Haseloff CDU, Prime Minister Saxony-Anhalt
Lars Klingbeil Secretary General SPD
Volker Wissing General Secretary FDP
Cem Ozdemir Green
Kristina Dunz Journalist

“They let Armin Laschet appear in such a way that he can make a claim,” she said. Laschet’s party friend Reiner Haseloff, Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, was initially thoughtful in view of the result. You then have to ask the election result: “What was actually meant by that?”

Anne Will (ARD) on the 2021 federal election: Lars Klingbeil (SPD) in the role of the viewer

Apparently no tendency to change, as Dunz stated. The result shows “that the majority of Germans do not really want change.” This is probably one of the reasons why the SPD has to be content with the narrow lead, although another survey showed that a choice between the SPD and the CDU would be 50 percent for the comrades had voted, as Secretary General Lars Klingbeil noted with satisfaction. But in the course of the show, given the skirmish between Özdemir and Wissing, he got more into the role of the viewer.

Anne Will, The First

Sunday, September 26th, 2021, 9.30 p.m. In the ARD media library

In any case it is astonishing that a possible Jamaica coalition was discussed on the same level as a traffic light, although the majority of the Greens would clearly vote for the latter. But whatever the final outcome of the negotiations: Political professional Haseloff gave the future government a piece of wisdom: “What was really relevant in recent years, such as refugees, corona, flood disaster, was not in any coalition agreement.” (Daland Sailors)



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