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Fish do have a good memory

memoria-pecesThe idea that fish have a poor memory is false, Australian research results show.

“In the last 15 years there has been a lot of research onfish learning and memory, and they have been shown to be quite sophisticated in this regard, “explains Kevin Warburton, an expert on the behavior of these vertebrates at Charles Sturt University in Australia. For example, most fish canremember their predators up to a year after being attacked by them. And a carp that has been about to bite thefish hookremember the experience and avoid the fishermen for several months. ? That fish have 3 seconds of memory is a real hoax ?, he concludes.

In a recent experiment with different freshwater species, Warbuton and his colleagues tested these animals first in their natural environment and later in a pond, offering them food in different areas and exposing them to predators to observe their movements. In this way they confirmed thatfish have long-term memory, and that they learn to know their habitat in depth and associate the abundance of food or dangers with certain places. This information is used toidentify escape routesin case a threat presents itself, and also to trace your favorite routes. Also, if you have to inspect an area where they suspect a predator, they usually do so.in pairsto increase security, as a couple of fellow cops would.

“If the behavior of these creatures is unknown, you can make the mistake of believing that when there is no fishing it is because the resources have been exhausted or the fish have left, when in reality, what may be happening is that they are there, but alreadydo not fall into the trap“Warburton says.



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