Home Living Five tips to achieve your New Year's resolutions

Five tips to achieve your New Year's resolutions


Leaving bad habits like smoking behind and acquiring healthy habits like exercising , in addition to losing weight or paying off financial debts, are some of the most frequent resolutions that mark the beginning of the New Year. However, most people do not manage to carry them out for twelve months, and they abandon them much earlier than expected. Experts from the University of Maryland School of Medicine (USA) assure that so that this does not happen it is advisable to take a series of measures:

-Start as soon as possible, "because action precedes motivation, and not vice versa," according to the psychiatrist Hinda Dubin. You don't have to wait to feel energized and fully motivated to start a weight loss diet, for example. Any small action aimed at achieving the objective makes it easier for us to carry it out.

-If you fail, try again and learn from your mistakes.

-Don't make absolute "never again" decisions. Be realistic and aim to reduce the frequency.

-Tell someone your New Year's resolutions, because it will help you keep them more present.

-Do it step by step. If your goal is too big, you will falter before you start. If you want to quit smoking, make a goal of going to a therapist to do it (and decide on what date). If you want to lose ten kilos, first aim to lose one pound a week.



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