Home Fun Nature & Animal Guinea pigs: 10 curiosities of them that you do not know. Take...

Guinea pigs: 10 curiosities of them that you do not know. Take aim!


Cavia porcelus is its scientific name but informally it is known more as a guinea pig or guinea pig. Outside our borders and more specifically in Latin America, where it comes from, this small rodent receives the nickname of guinea pig. You wonder where this word comes from. Very simple, it is the onomatopoeia that this cute little animal emits.

Guinea pigs are small animals that can reach one kilo in weight and live between 5 and 8 years . They are herbivorous and need contributions of vitamin C (from, for example, pieces of red pepper, mandarin or orange) to avoid getting sick and dying. Their diet consists mainly of hay and includes vegetables, fruits and feed specially designed for them. For them to be very healthy, it is best for your vet to recommend a good quality dry food.

You may not know that guinea pig meat is eaten in some Latin American countries or that since the 17th century it has been used in medical research. Today the houses of half the world live more than the cages of the laboratories.

It is a pet that does not require large spaces, complicated care or an enormous amount of time , so it is a perfect option if you want to have an animal at home but do not want to or can assume the responsibilities of having a dog or a cat. By this we do not mean that you can ignore the guinea pig the first time you change or that you do not take it to the vet if the animal needs it, but it requires less dedication than other pets. He also has a very affable and sociable character that will make children and adults fall in love.

Did you know that guinea pigs are very intelligent? Yours will not give you the paw like a dog but it will be able to learn tricks if you spend time and arm yourself with patience. Sounds good right? They also love to live in groups and are very lively.

Once again, we emphasize the existence of guinea pigs waiting to be adopted. Before buying a copy, think about whether it would be more convenient to provide a home for one who is in a shelter.



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