Home News Healthy Coffee: Filter coffee has health benefits

Healthy Coffee: Filter coffee has health benefits


Created: 08/02/2022, 05:13 p.m

Coffee is a popular luxury food. Researchers around the world are discussing how much coffee is healthy. New studies show: It all depends on the preparation.

Frankfurt – Coffee is a popular drink – whether as a pick-me-up or as a cozy luxury food. According to a survey by the German Coffee Association, people in Germany drank around 168 liters of coffee per capita in 2020. There are already numerous studies on the beloved drink that disagree about the advantages and disadvantages. Is coffee really healthy?

The opinions of the experts differ. Some studies indicate that people who drink coffee regularly have a lower risk of dying at an early age. Other researchers advise against drinking coffee regularly because it increases blood sugar levels enormously and can thus promote the development of diabetes. However, a new study shows that the preparation of coffee is crucial for health.

Prepare coffee correctly: This coffee is the healthiest

Filter coffee, French press or espresso? The way we prepare coffee can make a difference in its health benefits. This was discovered by a research team led by nutrition expert Walter C. Willet, doctor and epidemiologist at Harvard School of Medicine and head of the nutrition department at Harvard School of Public Health. The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine .

Coffee is a popular luxury food. But is he healthy? Studies show that the preparation makes the difference. (Iconic image) © Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

Accordingly, the right type of coffee can even be health-promoting and, according to experts, daily coffee consumption can even prolong life. Anyone who now thinks of gently prepared espresso or café crema is wrong. Because, as the researchers found out, plain filter coffee is the healthiest.

Healthy coffee: Proper preparation can promote health

Pollutants can be produced when the beans are roasted. Unfiltered variants, such as coffee from the French press or Turkish coffee, contain substances that can increase cholesterol levels. Even gently brewed espresso can be unhealthy, as the small amount of coffee grounds that remain in the cup is often drunk. The risk of cardiovascular disease is 11 percent higher with coffees other than filter coffee, according to the study.

According to the scientists, filter coffee has numerous health benefits. Not only does it lower cholesterol levels, it is even said to increase the pain relief of pills. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the risk of heart disease. But the quantity also plays a role here: Three to five cups of filter coffee a day are still considered healthy. (hg)

Ökotest tested 20 coffee products and found harmful substances. Only an organic product gets the grade “good”.



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