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Heat wave and breastfeeding: offer the breast more frequently to avoid dehydration of the baby


By their own physiology, babies are at higher risk of dehydration in very hot weather. The proportion of body water in the baby is around 70% (while in an adult it is 55%), and most of it inside the cells, making its balance much weaker, increasing the risk from excessive fluid loss .

That is why when there are high temperatures as it happens in summer in our environment, and more especially during a heat wave , we must keep the baby well hydrated. If you drink breast milk, we will have to offer the breast more frequently to avoid dehydration .

More frequent breast feedings in summer

According to the WHO, the newborn baby until he is six months old, should be fed exclusively with breast milk -either from the mother or donated-, and if it is not possible, with formula milk.

This means that the baby does not need more than milk: neither water, nor serums, nor infusions, nor any other supplement (unless the doctor prescribes it).

“To conserve body water, it is vital to ensure that you drink enough breast milk. To this end, breast feedings must be very frequent ,” Dr. Manuel Sánchez Luna, head of the Neonatology Service at the General University Hospital, told EfeSalud. Gregorio Marañón from Madrid and president of the Spanish Society of Neonatology (seNeo).

“We usually say on demand, but sometimes this may not be appropriate. Some newborns do not ask with gestures, movements and complaints to take the breast, or they are already dehydrated, and that affects their ability to demand feedings, “he adds.

Don’t wait for baby’s demand

We know that breastfeeding every three hours is a myth because setting a schedule makes no sense and that breastfeeding should be on demand. But many times the baby does not ask, and above all newborns who are not yet able to regulate their thirst due to their immaturity, do not wait for him to demand it because he will not do it.

“Therefore, mothers should breastfeed without demand , even in small intakes, to keep their baby hydrated,” he stresses.

You have to put the baby to the breast every hour, two hours… ten or twelve times a day, even without waiting for the baby to claim it.

signs of dehydration

To check that the baby is well hydrated, it is important to observe the number of times he wets the diaper. Throughout the day the baby wets the diaper four to six times . If you notice a decrease in frequency or remove the diaper with just a few droplets, it may be a sign that there is some alteration.

Other signs of dehydration are: sunken fontanelles, mouth with dry lips and tongue, dry and pale skin, harder and drier stools than usual, drowsiness, decay and irritability, refusal to feed, weight loss. At any slight alarm signal, you should consult your pediatrician.

Hydrated mother, hydrated baby

The expert points out that it is also very important that the mother is well hydrated. After childbirth many fluids are lost and breastfeeding even more water demand. Breastfeeding mothers should drink “at least 1.5 or 2 liters of fluids a day ,” says Dr. Manuel Sánchez Luna.



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