Home Fun Nature & Animal How does the ritual of the deer bellowing work?

How does the ritual of the deer bellowing work?


At the beginning of autumn, with the first rains of September, the sunrises and sunsets are filled with a characteristic, disturbing and wild murmur. These are the bellowing of male red deer ( Cervus elaphus ) in heat, guttural sounds that seem to have come from beyond the grave.

During this time of year, male deer try to monopolize as many females as possible to create their herds and reproduce. Generally, made up of numerous females and a single male, who mates with them. However, deciding the new distribution of individuals is not an easy task. This is preceded by numerous demonstrations of power that the males display in the form of howls and ritual fights to show their power to the females, who do not lose detail.

The males of similar size challenge each other, walk together for a time trying to intimidate each other and, if neither gives in, they end up charging with energy. They intertwine their horns and push each other with all their might, the intention is to expel the opponent from the territory without actually hurting him. For this, evolution has designed its horns in such a way that the numerous branches of which the antlers are composed intertwine, preventing the sharp points from causing injuries. But even so, thrusts and even the death of some of the specimens in these pitched battles are not uncommon. They can spend hours doing it, until one of them gives up.

Once the winner has been decided, he can group up to fifty females with whom he will mate. If there has been fertilization, each female will give birth to a fawn after gestation for almost eight months. The antlers of the male fall each year during the month of March, and will grow back each year (it will take 12 to 18 weeks to develop again). This change of horns is known as desmogue, it is a quick process, as can be seen in the following video:

Where to see the bellowing in Spain?

Due to its high tourist attraction, trips are organized to witness it. In Spain, the most emblematic places to enjoy the bellowing are the Sierra de la Culebra, in Zamora; the Palentina Mountain, in Palencia; Monfragüe and Cijara National Park, in Extremadura; Saja-Besaya, in Cantabria); Los Alcornocales, in Cádiz; and in the Cabañeros National Park, in Ciudad Real.

How to enjoy the bellowing?

Here are some tips from ArteMonte and Sierra eXtreme to make the most of it:

  • Avoid crowds. Deer run away from people, the more people there are, the less chance you will have to observe them.
  • Find a high and clear area to observe around you. The use of binoculars is recommended to see further.
  • Be patient and don’t make noise. The hearing of these animals is very fine and at the slightest sound they will run away. If you know where the animals can be found, try to position yourself with the wind in favor, that is, that the air does not carry your smell, since if this is the case they will detect you even if they do not see you.
  • Schedule the route and time. It will always be easier to see them on untraveled routes. Most of them will be active at sunrise or sunset.
  • Don’t dress in garish colors. Army green can help you go unnoticed, and black too.
  • Forget about bright colors, strident sneakers or reflective elements, this will not help you at all.
  • Take advantage of the places where they go to drink and eat. In these places there are usually piles of deer droppings. If you do not see these signs, you will see little there.

If this year you have already missed the deer bellowing in your area, don’t give up! Just now begins the fallow deer hoarse ( Dama dama ), less known, but just as surprising.



Naturalist consultant: Luis Miguel Ruíz Gordon @la_mirada_del_ciclope. Wildlife camera and photographer.

What is the bellowing. ArteMonte. https://artemonte.com/blog/berrea/

Tips to see the bellowing. Sierra eXtreme. https://www.sierraextreme.net/consejos-para-ver-la-berrea/



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