Home Fun How many types and species of dinosaurs were there?

How many types and species of dinosaurs were there?


Dinosaurs were the animals that occupied the Earth for thousands of years. Humans have only been aware of them through studies and remains found throughout history, but we can never imagine how or how extraordinary these animals were, who were the masters of the world.

Similarly, calculating how many types of dinosaurs existed over the years is a difficult and complicated task. There have been many experts and studies that have tried to give an accurate answer to this question , and most can only make estimates about these living beings.

Dinosaurs that lived on Earth

With the studies and research carried out over the last few years, scientists are clear that there was only one generic species of dinosaur, from which everyone would start. As a result of these studies, it is estimated that some 700 different species of dinosaurs lived on our planet.

These data must be taken with caution since 50% of these estimates are based on samples, so only about 350 different species would be confirmed.

Despite this, scientists’ estimates go much further and estimate that there could be up to 900 types of dinosaurs that occupied the planet Earth millions of years ago.

This figure may seem very high, but compared, for example, with the species of birds that we know today, it is almost ridiculous. The dinosaurs that occupied the Earth for about 165 million years until its extinction were very different, with different characteristics and not all came to live together in the same period of time.

How have they arrived at these figures?

As we say, it is very difficult to know how many types of dinosaurs existed in the world so many years ago. The samples obtained and the fossil remains help these estimates, but they are not conclusive when it comes to assuming a specific number of species on the planet.

Experts usually take into account several factors to make these classifications. On the one hand, some types that fall within the count have been created from incomplete fossil remains, and that could belong to other dinosaurs already classified.

On the other hand, there are a good number of species that did not become fossilized, or at least, scientists have not found samples of them yet , so it is very difficult to know the exact number of species that occupied the Earth so many years ago. millions of years.

Experts have always pointed out that what they have classified is only a small sample of what actually existed on the planet.



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