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How much does it cost us to forgive?

A recent study by the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) has analyzed the emotional changes that arise between sexes and generations when it comes to forgiving. The analysis, which has been published in the Latin American Journal of Psychology , shows that parents forgive more easily than their children, and women more than men .

? A decisive variable in the ability to forgive is empathy, and women have more empathic capacity than men ,? says Carmen Maganto, co-author of the study and professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the UPV, in statements to the SINC Agency .

The children consider that "things are forgiven with the passage of time", but the parents allude to reasons such as "repentance and forgiveness of the other party" and "justice through the law". In the definition of forgiveness, parents and children have similar conceptions. Lack of resentment, reconciliation and understanding-empathy are the terms that best identify forgiveness for both groups.

However, men and women present more differences. For both, "the lack of resentment" is what best defines forgiveness. But males give greater importance to this characteristic.



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