Home Fun Nature & Animal How to know if your cat has parasites

How to know if your cat has parasites


If you have a pet cat, it is possible that it becomes infected with various types of parasites. The four most common are ascaris, hookworm, tapeworm, and heartworm immitis. These parasites not only make your cat in danger or sick, but it could also infect other people who live in the home. For this reason, it is essential that you deworm your furry companion. Be very careful! And, above all, go to the vet at any sign.

Check your stool

As unpleasant as it may be, it is essential that you check their stool to see if it is free of parasites. Tapeworms, for example, often divide and appear in feline feces. These segments have the appearance of a grain of rice and can move like small worms.

On the other hand, if your cat suffers from diarrhea, it could have an intestinal parasite. Some parasites, such as hookworms and tapeworms, cause watery stools. You may also have blood from irritation in the colon and intestines. In that case, it is best to put the feces in a bag and go to the vet to analyze the sample.

See if your cat vomits

Some cats may vomit from ascariasis. In fact, they can vomit adult worms. Vomiting is also a possible symptom of heartworm. And, as with feces, it is recommended that you keep a sample in a bag and go to the vet. There, they will have to check your vomit to identify possible parasites or diseases.

However, you should keep in mind that vomiting does not always indicate the presence of parasites, since it could be due to different medical problems.

Check your cat’s gums

Generally, the gums of cats are pink. Parasites (like many worms) cause the gums to turn pale due to anemia. It is essential that you go to the vet if your cat has very pale gums.

Also, you should seek emergency care if your cat is short of breath or appears lethargic.

Determine what type of parasites your cat has

It is essential that you know the type of parasites that your cat has, since this way you can start treatment as soon as possible. Ascariosis is very common in cats. Lactating kittens can get them from their mother’s milk, and adult cats from infected feces. Tapeworms, on the other hand, are parasites that are usually found near the fur of a cat’s hind legs. These can be contracted by ingesting fleas.

On the other hand, hookworms are smaller than ascaris and live in the small intestine. A cat can become infected through skin contact or ingestion. Heartworm, meanwhile, is the most dangerous parasite of all. Mosquitoes bite infected animals, causing them to absorb blood with tiny heartworm larvae. Thus, the larvae develop and the mosquito injects them into the bloodstream of the next animal to bite.



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