Home Living Travel How to stay safe during an earthquake

How to stay safe during an earthquake


Nobody likes to think about disasters on vacation. Unfortunately, geologists cannot reliably predict earthquakes. Your only defense against earthquakes is preparation.

If you travel to the country of the earthquake, you should create an emergency preparedness plan. You will also need to know what to do if an earthquake occurs during your trip.

Earthquake Preparedness

Before leaving home, find out if your destination has a high level of seismic risk. The United States Geological Survey provides information on earthquakes by country and by state. Earthquakes are common in many parts of the world, particularly in Pacific Rim nations such as Japan, China, Indonesia, Chile, and the western U.S. Earthquakes are also common in Mediterranean Europe, the Indian subcontinent, and the island nations of the Pacific. If your travels take you to a developing country where buildings may not be constructed with earthquake safety in mind, prior preparation is doubly important.

Regardless of your destination, there are some steps you can take to prepare for an earthquake.

  • Register with your country’s embassy if you travel abroad.
  • Register with the USGS earthquake notification service. You can send text notifications to your cell phone. (Tip: Make sure your cell phone works in your destination country. If it doesn’t, consider renting a cell phone and adding that number to your notification profile.)
  • Bring a list of emergency contact numbers, including local emergency services, hospitals, and embassies or consulates. If you visit another country and do not speak the local language, bring a list of emergency words and phrases.
  • Once you arrive, take a look at your hotel room. Decide where you will take shelter if an earthquake occurs. Look for interior walls without windows and sturdy furniture, like a desk or table, for protection.
  • If you are traveling with a group, choose an emergency meeting place.
  • Decide on the evacuation route from your hotel (after the earthquake) and find out how to get to higher ground if you stay near the ocean. Strong earthquakes can cause tsunamis, and the best way to survive a tsunami is to move to higher ground and stay there.
  • Charge your cell phone as needed.

During an earthquake

If you are indoors:

  • Stay where you are. Get down on the floor, find cover under a table or desk if possible, and wait until the shaking stops. If you can’t get under furniture, drop to the floor and hit an interior wall with no windows. Crouch down and cover your head and neck with your arms.
  • Don’t try to get out until the earthquake is over. You could be killed by falling debris from outside your building.
  • Stay away from glass, windows, and light fixtures, which could break and injure you.
  • If you are in bed, stay there and protect your head with the pillow. However, you must leave your bed if you are under a lamp that could fall.
  • You do not need to stand on a door unless you are in an unreinforced building, such as an adobe house. Doors open during earthquakes and you could be injured if you try to reach for the door.

If you are outside

  • Stay out. Stay away from buildings to avoid injury from falling glass or debris. Stay away from power lines and trees.
  • Stay where you are until the earthquake ends.

If you are driving

  • Slow down and pull over to the side of the road. Park your car until the shaking ends. Don’t stop under a bridge or power lines, and try to park away from buildings and trees.
  • Stay in your car until the shaking stops.
  • When you resume driving, prepare for broken bridges, debris, and other hazards.

After the earthquake

  • If you are near the ocean, prepare to move to higher ground. Earthquakes can cause tsunamis. You may only have 20 to 30 minutes to escape the devastating waters, so you need to heed all tsunami warnings. When in doubt, evacuate to an area at least 50 feet above sea level and stay there. The tsunami warning can be in effect for hours.
  • Prepare for aftershocks. Some aftershocks are almost as strong as the original earthquake, and buildings can collapse.
  • Don’t light matches.
  • Turn off the gas if you smell a leak or hear a gas leak. Turn off the electricity at the fuse box if you see exposed, broken, or sparks wires. Do not touch downed utility lines.
  • Pay attention to emergency information broadcasts. Don’t ignore the warnings.
  • Listen to the emergency hotline numbers and call your embassy and hotline to report its location and condition. Otherwise, do not use the phone unless you need emergency assistance.
  • Put on sturdy shoes to protect your feet from broken glass.
  • If you need to open a closet or closet, please do so carefully. Earthquakes change articles; Glass objects may fall when the cabinet door is opened.
  • Clean up spills of cleaning products and other hazardous materials.
  • Do not use a camp stove or barbecue for indoor cooking.
  • Don’t consume water or food from open containers if you find broken glass nearby.
  • You can get drinking water from ice cubes, tank-style water heaters, and vegetable cans. Do not drink tap water unless you know that the water lines have not been contaminated.
  • Help others. If you discover someone who has been trapped by falling debris, ask for assistance. Do not move seriously injured victims; call for help and wait for trained personnel to arrive.


FEMA Earthquake Preparedness Information

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program

Washington Military District Emergency Management Division Earthquake Information



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