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How to take care of your teeth during pregnancy to have good oral health


The oral health of pregnant women is very important, it is a stage in which you have to pay more attention to your mouth and take care of both teeth and gums , since the bacterial flora is modified by the action of the pregnancy hormones themselves, causing are more likely to accumulate tartar and bacteria.

Good daily care and dental check-ups will keep oral problems at bay .

Main oral problems in pregnancy

During pregnancy these are more sensitive and inflamed due to the action of hormones and increased blood flow. But if you notice that your gums bleed excessively when brushing or flossing, they are bulging, sore and red, you should go to the dentist.

You most likely have a periodontal disease called pregnancy gingivitis , a common infection in pregnant women caused by the long-term effects of plaque deposits.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that surround the tooth. It affects approximately 70 percent of pregnant women and usually appears between the third and eighth month. If left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis, which involves destruction of the bone tissue around the tooth.

In addition, the composition of saliva changes during pregnancy , becoming more acidic, and acts by eroding the enamel, increasing the risk of caries.

Oral health influences the development of the baby more than we think. The presence of a chronic infection in the mouth causes the expulsion of bacteria into the bloodstream that, in the case of pregnant women, could cause premature births, low birth weight and abortions in severe cases.

How to take care of your teeth during pregnancy

Poor oral health can affect your baby, so it is very important to take care of your mouth and teeth with good hygiene habits such as:

  • Brush your teeth after every meal . Correct brushing is essential for a healthy mouth and complete oral hygiene. Switch to a soft brush if your gums bleed a lot, floss where the brush can’t reach, use an antiseptic rinse and fluoride if necessary.
  • Eat healthily, controlling the consumption of sugary foods, industrial pastries…
  • Periodically check your mouth by going to the dentist, since periodontal disease is a chronic infection, not an acute one, that acts progressively. If detected early, it can still be effectively acted upon and save the tooth.
  • Do not smoke , since tobacco (in addition to other multiple risks for women and for the fetus) is related to the destruction of periodontal tissue.
  • Take care of your diet : reduce the consumption of sugars to avoid cavities and increase the consumption of calcium such as dairy products and yogurts, in addition to consuming proteins from meat, fish and legumes that will help defend against infections. Vitamins such as B, C and D will also be a good support.
  • It is safe and advisable to go to the dentist during pregnancy .

Do not delay the visit to the dentist

In the face of any problem you detect , do not forget to visit the dentist . Leaving it be will only aggravate the problem or, in the case of infection, if it progresses without treatment, it can bring serious complications such as loss of teeth or pregnancy problems.

If you feel uncomfortable in the dentist’s chair, especially in the third trimester when the size of the gut has increased and presses on the vena cava, it is best to avoid lying down, therefore the semi- sitting position is the most recommended.

If they have to do an X-ray, digital ones are preferable to reduce radiation and if not, they should put an apron and lead collar on your abdomen and neck.

There is no risk for the use of anesthesia or for the amalgams or resins that are used for the treatment of cavities.

In Babies and more | Pregnancy, orthodontics and other dental treatments, what should be taken into account?



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