Home Living Travel How to travel between Lisbon and Coimbra, Portugal

How to travel between Lisbon and Coimbra, Portugal


Coimbra is a riverfront city in Portugal halfway between Porto and Lisbon, making it a favorite stop when traveling between the two cities. The best method of transportation depends on your travel preferences, your budget, and your available time. In general, driving or taking the train are the best bets.

Guided Tours of Coimbra

Coimbra is a good day trip from Lisbon as it is only two hours away. If you choose to do this, consider taking a guided tour, as the expert can give you local tips and tidbits about the history of Coimbra’s medieval old town. If your trip includes round-trip transportation, it will cost you more than booking a Viator tour of Coimbra which is within the city limits and does not include transfers to / from Lisbon.

Traveling between Lisbon and Coimbra by train

The train is an excellent option, as it is faster than the bus and only slightly more expensive. The fastest train from Lisbon to Coimbra takes about an hour and a half and costs € 23, as of February 2019. There is a slower train that takes two hours and costs € 19. You will arrive at Coimbra-B station, but you can Easily connect to the city center (Coimbra-A station) via a five-minute train ride that is included in your ticket. Book the direct trip from Rail Europe.

Traveling between Lisbon and Coimbra by bus

The bus from Lisbon to Coimbra takes about two and a half hours and costs € 14. It’s just a 10-minute walk from the city center, or you can connect with a local bus. Rede Expressos is a popular platform for buying tickets online. You can also go directly to the station and take the next bus, as they run many times during the day.

Traveling between Lisbon and Coimbra by car

The trip from Lisbon to Coimbra takes two hours and is about 200 kilometers (or 125 miles). To get a good deal, be sure to reserve your rental car as far in advance as possible. Also, keep in mind that most rental cars in Portugal have manual transmissions. If you can only drive automatically, be prepared to pay more.

Driving in cities is not recommended as public transportation is cheap and easy, while parking can be a hassle. However, the country road between the cities is relaxed and beautiful. All the main routes between Lisbon and Coimbra have tolls, so it is best to obtain the electronic transponder (such as the Portugal version of an EZ Pass) from the car rental company, so that you can go through the express lane and charge automatically your credit card.

Extend your trip: where to go after Coimbra

If you want to see more of Portugal, head an hour north of Porto, which is the famous Porto wine house. Traveling between Porto and Coimbra is also very easy. For further trips, consider crossing the border into Spain and visiting Madrid. The train ride is long, about seven hours, but it is a night train, so you can sleep on the way.



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