Home Auto How to travel by car with your pet?

How to travel by car with your pet?


With the heat our desire to travel, discover new places and share incredible moments with our own awakens. Those who have pets will know that in this “ours” they are as included as any member of the family, they are part of it. There are facilities in which to leave animals safely during the holidays, but they are quite expensive and can be a traumatic moment for our furry loved ones. If you are considering a trip by car, we recommend that you do not give up sharing it with them, complying with some security measures and following very easy tips. Whether the final destination is a hotel, which must have a pet-friendly policy , or if we go with the house in tow, in a camper or motorhome, the objective is the same: to continue enjoying different experiences with our dog or cat.

Luckily, Spain is a country with an open spirit towards pets, understanding and pet-friendly . However, it is best to do research before hitting the road and come up with a plan that also includes them, starting with the destination and the places where we will sleep. We will also prepare our car so that the kilometers go by as quickly as possible for everyone, without putting our safety or yours at risk.

In that sense, the DGT has it very clear and punishes in a forceful way the non-fixation of pets in the car. In the event of an accident, not only will they suffer the worst consequences of not being tied down , the rest will have a considerable weight loose from the passenger compartment with what this can entail. Not to mention the distractions that come when our friends start making unexpected requests or actions. The road regulations penalize this freedom of movement with up to 80 euros of fine , but it can be worse. If they consider that this act is recklessness or reckless driving, it is framed as a very serious offense, with points in between.

What do I have to bring in the car?

As quoted in article 18 of the General Traffic Regulations: “The driver of a vehicle is obliged to maintain his own freedom of movement, the necessary field of vision and permanent attention to driving, which guarantee his own safety, that of the rest. of the occupants of the vehicle and that of the other road users ”. A clarification that involves carrying pets tied or in a carrier .

The carrier option is easy to use with cats or smaller animals , but it usually costs us with dogs. In this case, there are special belts that fit with the devices of current vehicles but, in the event of an impact, we will not prevent the pull from causing damage or even suffering some abrasion. Hence, we always opt for a harness and not a collar , so that the entire torso can absorb any blow. The option of traveling in the trunk is one of those preferred by families and, in that case, we must have a network so that it cannot be thrown towards the front seats.

How to make your trip easier?

Dogs (and other pets) do not understand travel like we do, they are animals of habit and with a certain anxious attachment. If it is difficult for him to get into the car, we recommend you to prepare it little by little, with pheromone sprays, games of going up and down, starting the vehicle without circulating, then moving with it a few kilometers … and so on until he gets used to the car or motorhome as part of your home.

During the journey it is advisable to stop often, ideally in an open and natural space so that they can discharge energy. After a walk, some balls collected and the necessities done, we will be able to resume the march. Of course, let’s not forget to hydrate it at all times and follow the meal times that it has in its day to day.

When we arrive at our destination, the dog, cat or ferret will be misplaced. Smells, noises and many other senses will be unknown to you. The best thing is to take with us toys, the same food, your bed and even fabrics (sheets or towels) that smell like home, so that you feel less of an impact.



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